I spent my entire morning trying to clean-up, spruce up my website. No one told me that when I decided to design patterns that not only did I get to do the fun stuff. Design and sew the patterns, but that I also get to do a whole bunch of other things. I am the packaging designer, web master, shipping gal, marketing and public relations consultant, finance manager, customer service operator and so on. I am entering year two of Quilt Doodle Designs, and slowly growing thanks to all of you. I love all of the new people I have met along the way. Can't quit my day job yet, but I sure like working on Quilt Doodles. I like Quilt Doodles so much that I need the day lengthened to lets say a 34 hour day. I think then I would have enough time to keep up on the daily mom stuff and all the rest. My morning dissappeared while working on the website. So if you find the time, check out the
Quilt Doodle Website. Let me know what you think. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated since I'm much better at quilting than at web designing.
Happy quilting!
cindy, great job on your latest block from CWD! i do not have the CD or EQ so i am doing freezer paper mostly, but i see the CD makes it a whole lot easier. i will plod along but love your progress!