Sunday, December 1, 2024

November/Decembers BOM section 2024

We are coming to the end of our BOM and this month's section will take a little time, a few hours, give or take. Now the quilt has a plain background border and then the flying geese border. So make sure to go over to the website and download the FREE directions for Nov/Dec to complete your quilt. Don't have time to make flying geese? No problem, feel free to complete your quilt with a plain border that compliments your quilt. No one will know...

Today I will show you how I completed the flying geese border. I really think it sets the quilt off nicely and is a fun way to finish it off. I love flying geese! I used 4 colors for my flying geese border. If you want to make it scrappier that's up to you. If you do you will need to make a total of 116 flying geese rectangles. The method that I use to make flying geese in the pattern make 4 flying geese rectangles at a time. It sounds like a daunting task but they really do go together quickly with this method! I like to use the no waste flying geese method. So grab a snack and let's get going on making some flying geese! 

Following the pattern directions I cut out my squares for my no waste flying geese. I'm making two color combos for my border. the pink and blue and then the red and green. For each set of not waste flying geese rectangles/blocks you will need 1 larger square and then 4 smaller squares. Keep this in mind if you are making your border scrappier.

To begin with draw a line from corner to corner diagonally on the smaller fabric squares as shown.

With right sides together, lay two of the smaller squares on the larger square as shown.

Sew a scant 1/4" seam on each side of the line.

Cut apart on the drawn line. Press the seams outward.

Add a small square, right sides together on the sewn unit. Sew a scant 1/4" seam on both sides of the line.

I like to chain sew....

Cut apart on the drawn line. Press the flying geese units open. Square up to measure 2 1/2" x 4 1/2". Make 60 using each color combo for a total of 120 flying geese rectangles. (This will be more then you need, you will have 4 extra.)

Following the pattern sew together the flying geese blocks for the border.

I'm just in love with how festive this looks! I'm all ready to assemble my quilt.

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!

 Will there be a 2025 BOM project, yes there will be so stayed tuned for the details to be posted soon. Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.50 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! It's hard to believe that the year is soon coming to an end. I hope that you enjoyed making the Snowman Forest quilt. Remember to post pictures of your finished quilt tops. I would love to see them!

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,
Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte

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