Saturday, February 1, 2025

February's Block 2025


Happy February! I hope it's warmer where you are. It's cold here and I'm getting tired of it. I have spring fever and it's too soon, the gardening catalogs arriving in the mail isn't helping me any. At least it's good stitching weather. In case you are just starting the BOM, the fabric requirements are below. Everything is based on a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square and this month's pattern can be found on my website for free this month. 

2 yards contrasting color

2 1/2 yards cream background

3/4 yard for the border

1/2 yard binding

Tell your friends! Spread the word! Post the button on your blog!
Let me show you how I made this month's block... gather your 2 1/2" squares and following the block layout and sew your squares together using your favorite method making sure to nest your seams so everything lines up nicely. Did you notice the green in the block, don't worry, it can be the same color as all your other dark blocks. I wanted to show you that you can mix it up color wise if you want to. Again, I am encouraging you to use your stash and have fun with it. Just remember the contrast between light and dark. This finished quilt block will measure 12 1/2" x 20 1/2". 

As you can see, mine is very scrappy! I threw in a pink and purple square for the giggles of it. I am purplephobic and it's hard for me to use the color purple in my quilts. This is a challenge for me.... The quilt doesn't seem to make sense yet trust the process. If you stick with light and dark fabrics your quilt will turn out beautiful. I'm pushing the limits a little bit with some of my lighter blue fabric choices. 

I like to chain sew when I can. If you prefer to sew row by row, iron, feel free to do that.

February's Block

 Each month's pattern is a free PDF instant download. If you miss a month, the patterns are available for $2.00 on my website and also in my Etsy shop.  

If you don't have a printer, you can purchase a PRINTED copy of the monthly patterns.

 There's also a Facebook Group, please join and post your progress! It's also fun to see everyone else progress too! Make sure to post your blocks so far! 

 I hope that you have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch.

Have a wonderful day,

Cindy, Josephine & Bonaparte


  1. The January block is still free but the February block comes up with the cost of $2.00. I'll check back later to see if the correction has been made for the February block to be free.
