~ Purple Fleur Needle Book ~ |
Welcome! Today it's all about my least favorite color, purple! Yes, I did say, least favorite color. I am purple phobic. It is not a color found easily in my fabric collection; I have to dig for it. It doesn't make sense, I had a purple bedroom growing up, a Donny Osmond poster on my wall. (Remember the purple socks!) I like the color purple. I just don't use it in quilts very often. Today is Mondays with Marcus Series III. So today, Sarah and I will be presenting a project in purple. So, make sure to jump onto Instagram and check out our projects. You can also find links on Mondays with Marcus Facebook page. Join in on the fun! There're tons of inspiring projects for you to try out along with chances to win prizes! So go like the Mondays with Marcus page. Follow the links to our projects and have some quilty fun! If you make any of our projects, make sure to tag us #mondayswithmarcus on Facebook and or Instagram. We would love to see what you are working on!
Let me show you how I put this sweet little book together! They go together amazingly quick, even with the stitching!
I love needle books; I have a few. I keep one with each of the stitching projects I have started. We all have those WIP! A handmade needle book is a great gift to make your quilting friends. They are fun to hand out at quilt retreats. Add a needle minder and a couple of pins and it's a wonderful surprise!
Happy quilting!
You can find the FREE pattern for Purple Fleur Needle Book
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