Thursday, September 3, 2020

Belvedere's Bel Air

It's certainly not too early to think about the holidays. I've had this new design drawn up and ready to try in my studio for a year now. It's not that I didn't want to make it, it's just other things had to come first and this sweet design featuring Belvedere kept getting pushed to the back burner. It wasn't until I got some extra help from my sis that I finally have some design, sewing time. My days fly by so quickly that it's been really nice having the extra help stuffing patterns and making up kits. 

I was fortunate to get to know my great grandparents growing up. They were the sweetest couple. I don't know if they ever owned a Bel Air, but it's the kind of car I imagine them driving so I thought it would be fun to draw a Holiday design with Belvedere at the wheel. He's such a sweet goofy dog I certainly can imagine him bringing home a Christmas tree. There might even be some gifts boxes in the trunk including some squeaky toys for his doggie friends, Lola and Maddie.

When I do machine fusible applique I play around with stitch length and width on scrap fabric before I begin to make sure I like the stitch setting for the design I'm working on. For this design I used a 2.5 x 2.5 setting for stitch width and length. You may like a different setting based on your machine so play around and stitch on some scrap fabric and see what you like.

On the Belvedere's Bel Air design I used a dark brown thread to stitch around the tree, Belvedere, tires, windows, bumpers, and the turquoise section of the car.

I used white thread to stitch around the bottom white section of the car.

When it comes to embellishing the design with buttons. I use snowflakes 'buttons' for the falling snow. But these buttons from Just Another Button Company do not have the traditional buttonholes to stitch your button on with. I have been asked many times about this. So to fasten these snowflakes onto the tea towel, or your fabric square, I use white thread and do a 'criss cross' stitch in the center of the snowflake design until it's securely anchored in place.

~Belvedere's Bel Air ~

The car can be any color, red, blue, green. I made my car turquoise, I thought it was a fun retro color for an old car. I then sew on buttons for the cars hubcaps using a matching car color. The tree can be left plain but I like the added red button decorations. I used a black pearl cotton to stitch a French knot for Belvedere's eye. I used a satin stitch for his nose. I think this design would be super cute on a table runner or made into a pillow for the holidays.

 I hope that you enjoy this new design. It is available on the Quilt Doodle Website and also in my Etsy storeor a quilt store near you!

Hope you have a great day!

Happy quilting,
Cindy and Belvedere
This design is Belvedere approved!

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