Monday, August 17, 2020

Papa Bear

 Many of you know that I am in love with bears. I saw another bear just recently when hubby and I were on a trip up north in July. We were driving home on a rural road after visiting a shop that sold wild rice. I always try to pick up a pound or two when ever we are in Northern Minnesota. The bear was quite some distance away, but still a thrill to see! He had disappeared back into the woods by the time we were close enough to see him. While doodling the other day, I came up with this fun design of papa bear in a canoe. He’s al ready to go out and do some fishing. Let me show you how I appliqued this design onto a towel.

Trace all of the Papa Bear shapes onto the paper side of your fusible web. I like to use Flexifuse fusible web just because I can run it thru my printer instead of tracing all of my shapes. I like to save time where I can. After all of your pieces are traced, iron them onto the wrong side of your fabrics following the manufacturers directions.

The cut all of your shapes, then following the layout sheet, position everything onto your towel.
There's a little trick with the bear's hat. The hat tucks behind the bears ears, but over his forehead.

Here I have everything in place and all ironed in place. I'm now ready to stitch around everything.

~ Papa Bear ~

To finish this design, I embroidered the fishing line and hook using a running stitch. To make the bear's eyes and buttons on his pockets, I stitched French knots. I used a black pearl cotton for my stitching, Three strands of DMC floss would work just as well. This would be a cute design made into a pillow or collect all of my bear and cabin designs and turn this fun design into a lap sized quilt. 

I hope that you enjoy this new design. It is available on the Quilt Doodle Website and also in my Etsy store, or a quilt store near you!

Hope you have a great day!

Happy quilting,
Cindy and Belvedere

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Papa bringing home the fish for dinner! In a red canoe, too.
