
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Prize Announcement for February's Block

I am so thrilled with the line up of prizes I have for the BOM 2014 this year! I am happy to announce the next prize from Quilt Taffy. Corrie has generously donated a Moda Charm Pack for this month's winner. So how do I win do you ask? Well, it's very simple, make this month's, February Block, Cozy Cabin and post it to the flickr group.  For an added chance to win, blog about it too! (Send me a link if you take time to blog about it!) Wilson and I will number all of the entries and pick a winner using

If you won this month's prize what would you like to get? Check out  Quilt Taffy's Website. Corrie has so much beautiful fabric.There's some super cute fabric on Corrie's site! Have fun browsing. I will be announcing a winner at the end of the month, the same time that March's block will be out.

Talking about fabric, some of you have asked about yardages for the new BOM quilt. A complete listing for fabric can be found under the BOM 2014 tab at the top of my blog. Then check under, 'The Beginning'. There you will find the listing there. Feel free to email me anytime if you have questions. The listing is a guide to help give you direction on picking out your fabrics. This quilt can also be done 'scrappy' and I will direct you how in my postings each month. I have been enjoying everyone's blocks, they all have their own personality. That is what is so much fun about a BOM challenge. Some of you have been asking for hints on this and that, but I'm very good at keeping a secret, that's part of the fun. It will be a delightful 'winter' quilt when you are done. That's all I'm sayin'.....  I love seasonal quilts and being able to switch them out depending on the season.

Remember to post your pictures! I love to see pictures!! Here are just a few...

I also have patterns posted on Patternspot and they are running a coupon code for applique patterns February 20th-26th and also a coupon code for Valentine's Day.

 10% off applique patterns! February 20th-26th
Code APP10 (all caps)

Happy Quilting,
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. NOOOO dont give anything away .. were would be the fun.. and the mystery xx

  2. I worked on the February block today while we were buried in snow!

  3. I'm just starting. Got the two blocks done! Blogged about it at

  4. Just joining this BOM. Caught up and blogged about it here:

  5. I am new at all this!!! My first quilt! Would like to post picture, how do I ?
