
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness...

I have been thinking about random acts of kindness lately. How can I make the winter here in Minnesota maybe feel not so cold for a moment or two. Maybe doing a random act here and there would cheer me up. I've been blue and sad .... I'm sure I'm still grieving dad in my own way, but I thought maybe a random act of sweetness would cheer me, even if it were only a moment or two. Did you know that it's Random Acts of Kindness week? Yup there's a week...It's this week! Knowing that it was RAK week,  I set out to cheer some unsuspecting people.... I taped a dollar bill on the snack machine at work with a note, 'have a snack on me :)...' I have no idea who was treated to a snack. But it was fun sneaking into the staff lounge so no one would see me. tee hee.... I stuffed some chocolate in the staff mailboxes. Again so much fun to sneak into the mail room to do it! I hope that it brought some smiles to a few faces.  
I hope that you have a great week!


  1. Sounds like a fun thing to do. I'm glad you found 'little things' to brighten up someone's day. It just goes to show you what one person can do.

  2. I think your dad was a super blessed man to have had such a wonderful family who loved him so much that they brought him home on hospice and one of his girls was with him all the time. Don't think anyone could asked to be more loved than that! But the grieving can last a long time--I'm still doing that after losing my dear sweet hubby (who I brought home on hospice for the final 6 wks of his life) in Aug. 2012.

  3. that's awesome! I'm sure you made several people smile today!

  4. What great ideas - thanks for sharing.

  5. Who knew there was a random act of kindness week? What a great idea!

  6. How fun. I am sorry to hear about your dad!

  7. I love your post today! I'm sending a big virtual hug. Hugs

  8. I love to do RAKs. So I was truly thrilled when someone in the car ahead of me once paid for my Starbucks order in the drive-up window. I had just come from a doctor's appointment, so it brought a little cheer to my day!

  9. I love the painted sign, in bright colors. Your blog makes me smile.
