
Thursday, August 15, 2013

August's Giveaway!

I can believe that it's already August! Wow the summer is sure flying by! I hope that you are still having fun with the block of the month club so far. I know that for many of you last month's block was a challenge. If you really hate paper piecing and haven't gotten your block done yet, I'm giving you permission to skip doing this block and substitute it with a different block. But I will encourage you to give last month's block a try, remember, I'm only an email away! I promise it's the only paper pieced block in the whole quilt.... 

Keep posting those August Log Cabin blocks to the Flickr Group! Seeing everyone's progress on the quilt is so much fun.  I have a wonderful giveaway for this month's block. Ellen from Clever Craft Tools has sent me a 'Grip and Stitch' quilting tool to give away! What a generous donation!  I got a set too. Can't wait  to try them  out! They look easy to use and what I like, no gloves! Remember you need to post your blocks to the flickr group for a chance to win! I will be picking a winner on September 1st! Keep posting your blocks!

Grip & Stitch Quilting Disks
Several videos can be viewed here to check out this awesome product.

Along with the Grip and Stitch I am also including a baggie of fabric swatches that I received in the mail. They are fun and bright colors and would be fun to use in any scrappy quilt project.
Bright and colorful!

Here are some of this month's 'Log Cabin Blocks'
block #8Quilt DoodleLog CabinimageDSCN5041August Log Cabin

Happy Quilting!


  1. Like the idea of the grip and stitch. Fabric swatches would add interest to a scrappy quilt.

  2. Thanks for the great giveaway! The fabric swatches look so pretty, and the grip and stitch is a great idea.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway. I have wanted to try the grip and stitch but its not in my budget at the present time. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  4. Great giveaway! I'd love to win this one.

  5. What a sweet giveaway! I attempted FMQ once and botched it so badly I am scared of it. I think these disks just might give me the courage to try again.

  6. What a great giveaway! The older I get the hotter my quilting gloves get :)

  7. Great giveaway.These fabrics are yummiest!

  8. Cindy thanks for the chance. I am working on a hexie charm quilt and would love to win the scraps.

  9. I'd like to start with free motion quilting seriously. This giveway is made for me !Thank you for this BOM ,very plaisant to do
