
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August Quilt Retreat

Arriving to Cozy Home.... love the drive in!
Just got back from quilt retreat and it's the first quilt retreat that I felt like I really didn't get anything accomplished. Don't get me wrong... I sewed and sewed and made progress on a couple of projects, but I really don't have anything to show for it.  Poor mom was stuck in pinwheel hell all weekend. Her project was beautiful... it was made with a ka-zillion pinwheels in bright spring colors, very cheerful. She tucked her quilt top away before I could take a picture! (Insert big frown here)  Laura had the most to show for her time and she had a baby with! She got two lovely quilts done, a pink 'Trip Around the World' (with side trips) and a cute Noah's Ark quilt for David. Again.... I wasn't very good at taking pictures... (I will have to be better at taking pictures next time!) Kim left retreat early since her husband lured her away with a plane ticket to Wyoming to join him on a business trip. It's their wedding anniversary this week, he must have something fun to surprise her with. 

I did get ten blocks done on my Civil War Quilt and will be sharing them over the next few weeks for Civil War Saturday. I also worked on the Quilt Doodle BOM project. I have all of the blocks completed. 

 Colleen and Ann spoiled us like normal... my goodness, the meals were fabulous! The snacks were decadent..... I'm sure I gained ten pounds, with that said I have decided to stay away from the scale and eat salads this week, or at least try to eat salads.... 

I spent some time holding my little nephew, David. He was such a little
sweetie at quilt retreat. He was so good! 

I took some breaks and admired the gardens....

The weather was beautiful... one of the gals even set up her sewing
machine outside and quilted one afternoon in the cool breeze.

I did a lot of paper piecing....

Mom and I were usually the first one's up every morning!

Tessa has gotten soooo big!

I worked on a cute small project for quilt camp to go with the 'picnic' theme.

It's the only project I completed, from start to finish!

I love the embroidered antennae! 

Going home... can't wait until retreat in March 2014! My calendar is marked!
Happy Quilting,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you really got a lot accomplished, will be looking forward to your posts.
