
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Civil War Saturdays!

It has been a long time since I've posted for Civil War Saturday. When I first started this blog I created Civil War Saturday's .... and like some projects... especially big ones... you need to take a break. Well I guess I needed to take a little break. This quilt has a total of 121 paper pieced squares and I'm determined to make the full sized quilt. I have around 50+ blocks done... it's been so long since I've pulled my Civil War bin out. But while gathering projects for quilt retreat, I rediscovered my bin and all of my reproduction fabric that I love so much! So this weekend while I'm on retreat I'll be working on my Civil War Quilt. You can follow along to if you would like! I am working out of Rosemary Young's book, "Civil War Diary Quilt'. The blocks are paper pieced and I found a great tutorial on paper piecing here.

 I left off on Cora Owens Hume's chapter. Just doing a quick web search I was able to find a lot on Cora, census records etc. Cora lived in Kentucky. She and her family were southern sympathizers.Cora was wealthy and well educated. She was 14 years old when she started her diary. The block that I worked on for today is called 'Grammar Class'. In this diary entry, Cora writes about her classes and names some of her classmates. It's dated February 7, 1863.
Here are the fabrics that I picked out to do this block.

Here are my pile of block pieces, all ready to be trimmed.

Sewing on the lines with a small stitch. I'm piecing the section
of the blocks together.

'Grammar Class'
February 7, 1863

  Have a wonderful week! Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

Next Saturday I will be working on the block called 'Misfortune' out of Rosemary's book. Today I am at quilt retreat working on all sorts of quilty fun! I packed my Civil War Diary Quilt and Red and White quilt to work on along with a couple of items for Quilt Camp. I'm hoping to come back with all sorts of fun things to share with you!

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!


  1. Great block, sometimes we need a break from Those big projects. Can't wait to see more of your work. Hope you have a great Quilt retreat
