
Friday, May 31, 2013

June BOM

June is here and it's time for the BOM for this month.I am in the middle of freaking out over planning my son's High School Graduation Party. I've ordered the tent, reserved tables and chairs, starting planning the food, made labels to address the invites.... the list goes on and on. Thomas graduates on the 7th and we are thrilled! So I am naming this block 'Grad Party'. (shhhh I know it's a Grecian Square, but I have high school graduation floating in my every thought.)  Have fun with your fabric while sewing this block together.   I used a total of 4 fabrics ranging from light to dark. The printable pattern can be found Free HERE and on Craftsy. Past patterns can be found for a small $1.99 fee at my Etsy and Craftsy shops just in case you are just joining the BOM or have missed one. 
Let me show you how I completed my 'Grad Party' block....
Here the the fabric choices that I used for my block...

Out of the dark fabric I cut 2 ~ 4 7/8" blocks and then cut them corner to corner to form four triangle pieces. Label them 'A'. Although it's not shown here,  also cut 2 ~ 4 7/8" blocks out of light (background fabric) and then cut them from corner to corner to form four triangle pieces, also label them 'A'.

Sew the 'A' light and dark triangles together to form 4 triangle squares. Iron.
Trim up to measure 4 1/2" square. 

Cut 1 ~ 4 1/2" square and label 'C'

Cut 4 ~ 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles from two different fabrics.
Label these 'B'. Sew  one of each 'B' rectangles together along the 'long' side to form  a 4 1/2" 'B' square. Iron.

Lay the 'A', 'B', 'C' sections to form the 'Grad Party' block.
Sew together and iron.

"Grad Party"

  Don't forget to post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win June's prize! Woot woot!

The next block pattern will be posted on July 1st! The winner for the June block giveaway will be announced on July 1st.... I can't wait to see every ones 'Grad Party' block! Stop back to see this month's giveaway! (It's a great prize!) I will be announcing it on the 15th...
 There's a flicker group! Please join...Every month post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win that month's prize! 
There is also a Quilt Doodle BOM Pinterest board.  If you blog about the Quilt Doodle BOM 2013, please send me your link so that I can post your block on the Pinterst board!

Happy quilting!

quilt pics 002
You Rip What You Sew
Please email me so that I can send you your link for you awesome prize!

I heart Craftsy!
Our May winner won  a Craftsy Class of their choice!  Thank you Craftsy for the awesome donation!
I love Craftsy! I have many of my patterns available on Craftsy. They are all instant downloads which I love! No waiting for patterns to arrive via snail mail. I have also downloaded many wonderful patterns from fellow designers thru Craftsy. Their classes are fabulous, I have enjoyed following along with the BOM 's  available on Craftsy too! If you haven't discovered Craftsy, take some time to check it out and sign up. I know that you will love the site as much as I do. There is so much inspiration from fellow quilters/crafters!
Here are just a few of the awesome classes that are available!
Free Motion Fillers, Vol. 2 by Leah DayBeyond Basic Machine Quilting by Ann PetersenCreative Quilt Backs by Elizabeth HartmanRe-Piecing the Past by Kaye EnglandDesign It, Quilt It by Cindy NeedhamMachine-Finished Hand Appliqué by Beth Ferrier


  1. Congrat's to Thomas! What an exciting time. LOVE this month's block!

  2. Thank you so much for this beautiful and quick sewn block!
    Have a nice weekend, Martina

  3. Congrats to Thomas. This is a very exciting time for all. I wish him lots of success as he reaches for his goals in life.
