
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Stars Over Cedar Creek

Many of you know that I have been working on this quilt since last March. It was floating around in my head even before that. I kept thinking about this Civil War Quilt just waiting for the opportunity to work on it. When I received the Townhouse Gardens fabric line from Marcus Brothers I knew I was ready to create this quilt! What I love about this pattern is it is created using just three blocks, and one block doesn't count! I played around with fabric placement in the block designs to create the overall design. This pattern has been sent off to several ladies to test and I'm anxiously awaiting feedback. It will be fun to see the quilt done in different fabrics by different quilters. Sending a quilt pattern off to testers and manufacturers is like having someone peek into your underwear drawer! lol ... I'm hoping to be able to have this pattern printed and off to sales reps by mid-June. So here is another sneak peak at my baby that I've named 'Stars Over Cedar Creek'....

Here is my 'Stars Over Cedar Creek' block all ready to be pieced.

My stack of Block A's

Block B is a checker board block...

A red star with a blue center....

A blue star with a gray center....

A plain square block..... does this block count as a block? 

Block G is a blue star with a red center and a gray background...

Here's block 'H'

Block D is another 'plain' square.... but this time, cut out of this fun striped fabric ...

Here are my stacks of blocks waiting to be sewn together. The key to making this quilt is labeling all of the blocks....

Here's the quilt up on the design wall....
Hope you have a wonderful day and find some time for quilting. Today is my last day of school. It will be a sad day for me. I will be packing up my office and finishing up some last minute book processing, my library job has been eliminated in the school district. I'm not sure what next year will bring, I'll be waiting for a call from the school district with a possible new position to be placed in. I hate being in limbo..... So this summer  I am looking forward to having tons of quilting time. I have so many items that I am looking forward to working on and sharing with you!

Happy quilting,


  1. WOW, pretty much covers it. Great job.

  2. Great job and enjoy your time off.

  3. Lovely quilt! Hope the right job comes up for you.
    Enjoy your summer :-)

  4. I know how devoted you school libraians are and it must just be heartbreaking for you. I feel your sadness.....Hugs to you. I can't wait for this pattern adn I have the ideal color combos for it. Thanks
