
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


May is here and it's time for the BOM for this month. I've never made a spool block before. As a young child I remember marveling at my mom's spools of threads. When I was little I remember finding a ton of  spools in the desk in the laundry room. She had all sorts of colors! I just couldn't wait until I was old enough to sew too!
I enjoyed making this block of four spools. I was happy with how it went together You will need at least 3 fabrics to complete this block. I used 5 fabrics and made two sets of spools and alternated them. If you are using a FQB, it might be fun to make 4 different spools. This is a great block to tie some of your colors together. I'm calling this block 'Mama's Spools', it's a very traditional block. Have fun with your fabric while sewing this block together.  The printable pattern can be found on Craftsy. Past patterns can be found for a small $1.99 fee at my Etsy and Craftsy shops just in case you are just joining the BOM or have missed one. Let me show you how I completed my 'Sewing Spools' block....
Here is the color combination I choose for my spool blocks.  I mixing these with a cream background.

First out of the 'spool' fabric.... cut 2   2  3/8" squares for each spool block.
Then cut the block in half corner to corner.

From your background fabric cut  2    2   3/8" squares for each spool block.
Then cut the block in half corner to corner.

From your 'thread' fabric... cut 1 3  1/2" square for each block. (This is the center)
Then from the 'spool' fabric cut 2   2' x 3 1/2" rectangles for each block.
From the background fabric cut 2   2" x 3   1/2" rectangles for each block.
Here the pieces are all laid out and ready to be sewn.

Sew the triangle pieces together, iron, the trim off the 'dog ears'.

Your spool block is ready to be put together.  You will need for
spool blocks total for the final block.

I made two blocks in this color combo....

And two blocks in this combination.....

Here are my 4 completed spool blocks ready to piece together.

'Sewing Spools'
May's Quilt Doodle BOM 2013
  Don't forget to post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win May's prize! Woot woot!

The next block pattern will be posted on June 1st! The winner for the May block giveaway will be announced on June 1st.... I can't wait to see every ones 'Mama's Spools' block! Stop back to see this month's giveaway! I will be announcing it on the 15th...
 There's a flicker group! Please join...Every month post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win that month's prize! 
There is also a Quilt Doodle BOM Pinterest board. 

Happy quilting!


DebC in PA

Our April winners won  e-copies of both of the The Quilter's Cookbook from the   Quilting Gallery! Please email me  with your email address so that I can forward it onto Michele at the Quilting Gallery! Hope you both enjoy the e~ cookbooks, the recipes look so yummy!

Quilter's CookbookQuilter's Cookbook - Holiday Traditions


  1. I just saw someone make their thread part of a spool block with strings, I might try that with this block! Thank you for the tutorial!

  2. Judy in San JoseTuesday, 30 April, 2013

    Thank you so much for choosing my block this month. I sent you an email. I love this months block.

  3. I'm so excited to be the winner of the cookbooks - thank you!
    I am really enjoying making each unique block. Your tutorials are very well written and the pictures are great. It has helped me stretch my piecework experience.

  4. I love this block! What fun :-) Thank you!

  5. This is my favorite block so far! Can't wait so see what's next. Congrats to the winners.
