
Monday, April 22, 2013

We Still Have Snow!

Oh my gosh.... we still have snow! It so very depressing to listen to the forecast this morning and hear that another winter storm is on the way, we are expect  another several inches of the white stuff!  The bright side, I haven't been tempted to go outside, so more time to quilt! I spent the weekend getting ready for my appearance for Bear Patch Quilt Co. and finishing details for my samples that are on their way to Portland for the International Quilt Market. I need to get my items off to Pattern Peddlers by the end of the week... it's been a fun quilty weekend. I do have a little show and tell! I finished quilting my Civil War Style quilt, which is still nameless.... any ideas? I'm looking for suggestions for the quilt's name. I'm hoping to get the pattern written and tested over the next month. If you would like to be a tester for this pattern please email me. It would be fun to see the pattern done in a few different color stories.I pieced the quilt over quilt retreat, it took me about 2 days, but that included a lot of note taking and breaks. So I think it would take about a full day to piece this quilt together.

I can't wait until the snow is gone and I can use my grill again....

I quilted a feather wreath around the center of the quilt. The picture doesn't show it , but I quilted a feather border also.
I haven't decided yet if I will quilt the cream space more or not.... 

I love how the quilting looks on the back!
Happy quilting!


  1. Spring is around the corner, pretty soon that snow will melt and you'll be having a wonderful afternoon with your family on your deck grilling.

  2. We must be getting hit with the same system!! We are soooo tired of snow! But that didn't stop me from having our first BBQ yesterday ;-)

  3. why not have a contest and ask your followers to name the quilt?? The winner gets the pattern and your fabric leftovers- if there are any??? Or why not call it what your already calling it 'Civil War Style' See you on Wednesday, to help..

  4. Gosh....when will winter leave you guys???

    The quilting looks beautiful.

  5. OMG!! All that snow, I feel you on this, when is spring or even summer coming. Here in D.C. we did not get much snow but is the weather goes from 90 and drops back down to the 50's and 60's. I need some warm weather soon.

  6. Well..... at least it's beautiful! I'm in Indiana and we are certainly seeing lots of signs of spring, although we had snow flakes (no sticking) over the week end. (Maybe you need to change your adorable header to something that isn't snow themed to motivate spring to arrive!) Meanwhile, enjoy your sewing time!

  7. You have my sympathy with the snow. I am all done with winter!
