
Thursday, March 14, 2013

March Giveaway!

Keep posting those March blocks to the Flickr Group! Seeing everyone's progress on the quilt is so much fun.  Just think.... 3 blocks done.... a quarter of the blocks are done now.  I have a wonderful giveaway for this month's block. Remember you need to post your block to the flickr group for a chance to win!

Nicole from 1 Choice for Quilting has donated a generous $25 gift card .  I love buying fabric from her. If you won the gift card, what would you like to purchase? I just recently bought some scrap bags from her.Shipping is quick and Nicole is so nice to work with. 

Keep posting those pictures for a chance to win! Winner will be announced on March 31st. You have until then to post your finished blocks.

Happy Quilting,

Here are just a few of the lovely blocks being posted!
Quilt Doodle BOM FebJanuary Monkey WrenchFebruary BOM 2013IMG_0203004BOM 2 photoimage100_0264March BOM 20130310121547 Rail Fence March BlockMärz 2013Quilt Doodle BOM March


  1. Hi Cindy, I just joined your 2013 block of the month. Looks like fun, I'll have to go back and catch up with Jan and Feb.

  2. It's very generous ! I would buy a Jelly roll perhaps the Avalon one ...

  3. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netFriday, 15 March, 2013

    That is a great give away. The scrap bag idea would be very tempting! I would like to make one of Bonnie Hunter's designs.

  4. I love the Ticklish fabric by Me and My Sister. I would probably use it to buy a jelly roll or charm pack from that line. A scrap bag does sound fun though!
