
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quilt Retreat Part I

Everything is packed and ready to go!!!
I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep since quilt retreat, the time change has really goofed me up. I'm not fond of the Spring forward thing! So I must blame my lack of energy on that. And DVD's of Downton Abby..... I certainly relaxed and enjoyed the weekend. I have so many wonderful pictures to share with you from Quilt Retreat that I decided to break it up into a few posts.

Everyone had such a good time and I especially enjoyed seeing my quilt retreat friends!  First of all, Tessa, is no longer a little puppy. Boy does she play like one though! Imagine a playful puppy running around the house, the size of a small horse! Tessa gave me the giggles every time she came to visit my sewing station. She no longer fits under the table! After a wonderful dinner in town, we arrived on Thursday and set up our sewing areas and jumped right in and worked on our projects....

Tessa sure has grown!!!

I worked on finishing up some baby items for gifts...

I worked on flannel receiving blankets... I always make these
for gifts for new babies in our family... they are warm and snuggly , perfect
for new babies. I made both my boys sets of them when they were small. So easy~ I square up two
coordinating 1 1/4 yard pieces of flannel, sew right sides together, turn inside out, iron
and then sew a pretty
embroidered edge around using a matching thread.

I got done some onesies with machine embroidered birds and bunnies.... some  burp
pads with the same designs... and matching blankets. All of the pink items are for my grand-niece, Rose.
Who was scheduled to 'arrive' any day. I wanted to get everything done, just in case.....

Mom got the first quilt top done!  Here is her Minnesota five yard quilt.
It turned out so nicely! I can't wait until it's quilted.

When Ann arrived, she shared with us an Art to Heart quilt she's made for a church raffle. Isn't it beautiful!
She spent the evening sewing on buttons. Ann is my parents neighbor... she is an awesome quilter!
Before collapsing into bed, I laid out my notes and fabric for a quilt I was designing...
Marcus Brothers sent me some lovely fabric. I love the colors!

I made one block before going to bed..... maybe a name for the quilt will
come to me before I fall asleep.

Stay tuned! I will share more wonderful photos tomorrow from our wonderful weekend!
Happy quilting,


  1. I haven't been to a quilt retreat in a number of years. I remember one that was so much fun. My roommate and myself laughed and talked to about 4 in the morning.

  2. I never been to a "quilt retreat" before. I would love to go, but doubt that is in the plans. Love your pics.

  3. Sounds you have fun days.Those projects are gorgeous!!
