Here is my personal PSA on sight. Don't take it for granted! Eat your carrots and spinach. Wear your sunglasses and see your eye doctor when you can. I have been struggling with my newest glasses when it comes to reading and stitchwork. I mean really struggling with seeing while doing any sort of handwork, mainly embroidery. It didn't matter if I had an Ott light, bright light or sunlight, hold the hoop close, hold my hoop away from me, my eyes would focus for a half hour or so and then everything would go blurry. So frustrating. I thought my stitching days were over! Now you need to know, I see my eye doctor annually and I'm older. In my early 60's. My eye doctor knows that I quilt and design for a living and has tweaked my prescription many times. This last visit he mentioned he could make me a single vision lens using my bifocal prescription, what my husband calls his computer/reading glasses. I was really skeptical and held off on getting a pair. Well, I got to a point that I couldn't stitch easily at all... so I bit the bullet, took in an older pair of frames from my previous prescription and asked for the single vision lens using my bifocal numbers and let me tell you, it's a game changer! I can easily see what I'm stitching regardless of the lighting conditions. My reading/quilting/ embroidery glasses are worth every penny. So,
if you're struggling, talk with your doctor and see if they can help.Have a wonderful day and find some time to stitch!
Cindy, Josephine and Bonaparte
Thanks for the reminder. We take our senses for granted. Happened to me a few years ago - detached retina while on vacation in Barcelona. Came home for the treatment and lo and behold - the Doctor who invented this surgery lives in Barcelona! Thanks for all the great tips over the years