
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop

            I love to bake and with the Holidays just around the corner, my kitchen has been a busy place. The smells of chocolate and vanilla have been warming my home. The Saturday after Thanksgiving is fondly known in my family as 'Cookie Day'. My mom started this tradition years ago after grandma passed away. My grandma loved to bake and is fondly known for all of the goodies she used to make. We loved her mocha bars and have yet to find a recipe that lives up to hers, hers wasn't written down, she cooked from memory as many good cooks did in her time... Cookie day is when my sisters and I all get together and bake at mom's house. (I have four sisters... so it's a houseful!) We all gather with our shopping bags of ingredients, mixers, baking pans and recipes. It's a marathon of baking! We get sooooo much done and it's such a thrill to see my nieces and nephews help with the baking and cookie decorating too. I am known for my caramel and that is the first thing I always make. I make 8 batches and my nieces and nephews help me wrap it all. Of coarse there's complimentary caramel tasting as they wrap. For many years I would toil over the oven stirring my caramel, praying to god that it wouldn't scorch. If it scorched, I'd throw in pecans. Needless to say, I had many batches with pecans. A few years ago I found my Microwave Caramel recipe and I love it! It doesn't scorch! A perfect batch every time!!! You may have to adjust your microwave time depending on the strength of your oven. For my mom's microwave I add 3 minutes...

I don't shape mine as wreaths, they are just a pretty blob of goodness. They don't last very long on the cookie tray. The kids love them! I like them because they are quick and easy to make and with so many bakers at mom's house, I try not to have 'baked' recipes so that the oven is free for my sisters and nieces. 
~Cookie Day 2016~
Christmas goodies are always good with tea and served on a mug rug! Wouldn't it be wonderful to surprise your family and friends with an adorable holiday mug rug and some homemade goodies like my Microwave caramels!
Tea with Frosty mug rug is also a fun secret santa gift. Wouldn't it be delightful to surprise your secret santa with a sweet treat and a special mug rug for their coffee? The PDF pattern for Tea with Frosty can be found in my Etsy shop and also on the Quilt Doodle website as an instant PDF download

I'm also having a little giveaway, leave a sweet comment about your favorite Christmas Cookie. Follow me for a second chance. Winner will win a PDF copy of a pattern of their choice from Quilt Doodle Designs. (You can check out the Quilt Doodle Website or my Etsy shop for ideas)

I hope that you have fun hopping around! So many wonderful recipes!
I get to share today with these lovely ladies!


  1. Good Morning Cindy,
    Your cookie bake looks like a LOT of fun! I'll bet there is a bit of chatting and laughing going on and that you all love every minute of it. Thanks for the two recipes. I'm going to PIN them for later. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Love the mug rug. It reminded me that I need to make a few for friends this year. Guess I had better get on that!

    Hubby and I bake together at the holidays. I usually stick with the "normal" cookies while he tries something new. My favorites are gooey butter cookies because they are hard to mess up!

    Sandy A

  3. Your caramels recipe is one I am going to have to try. I love them! I enjoy mostly sugar cookies/ butter cookies and shortbread. My favorite though is the wedding cookie. Those pecans! Thanks for sharing! I am a follower as well :)

  4. Great recipes Cindy especially the wreaths! I think my granddaughters would love those. That is the cutest little mug rug, thanks for sharing.

  5. I love Norwegian Sunbakkels which are a sugar type cookie made in individual tins. The cornflake recipe looks easy and yummy. Luv the Frosty mug rug.

  6. We make Snowball cookies (which are Russian Teacakes). Thanks for the recipes and for the giveaway.

  7. my favorite cookies are Spritz - we've been making them as long as I can remember. I always make a triple batch and ship them to my sister in Florida (she hides them from her husband...they are all hers!). My son's fiance's mom never heard of them, so she's getting a batch up in Buffalo this year! They rarely last a day in our house! I love your patterns and have several. This mug rug is adorable!

  8. I love the idea of easy caramels and using the microwave to make them is my kind of it! Making "blobs of goodness" sounds so much easier than forming them into wreathes. You made my day with two easy recipes! Yes, I'm a lazy baker. LOL Your family getting together to bake sounds so sweet and amazing. Thanks for playing along, sharing recipes and traditions, and having a great giveaway. Love that adorable mug rug, too!

  9. Those caramels sound good :) And the description blob of goodness made me chuckle, thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  10. I make a batch of sugar cookies each year that my family loves. Your caramels sound delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I'm a follower via email. I enjoy your BOMs each year.

  12. Creme de menthe cookies are my favorite. I have been following you for years via Google friend connect. Love your sweet designs.

  13. I should have waited to buy caramel for a cookie recipe I want to try. I never met a cookie I didn't like. I follow via e-mail.

  14. Favorite is the buttery pecan and spritz cookies. I've been following you for a while via in my wordpress reader.

  15. What a great day, Cookie Day. I love it that you use the microwave for fast and easy treats. Thank you! I love any cookie, any time. Your designs are so whimsy and fun!

  16. Love your cornflake wreath recipe. I like to make cut out cookies although it is time consuming. So much fun when the family gets together to decorate. Lots of joy and laughter.

  17. I've printed out both recipes. :) I had forgotten about the corn flake wreaths. Ge,, just how many different cookies did my mom make when we were kids? I thought it was "only" 10 or 15. Must be more. M favourite was, and still is the cheese shortbread. I hope to find time to make some this weekend.

    Thanks for some great memories and for the chance to win a nice prize.

  18. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netThursday, 07 December, 2017

    I favorite Christmas goodie is what we called Cocoanut Candy Balls. It is an unbaked cookie made with Graham Cracker crumbs, chocolate chips, chopped dates, vanilla, and sweetened condensed milk. Then they are rolled in balls, rolled in cocoanut, and refrigerated.

  19. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netThursday, 07 December, 2017

    I am a follower.

  20. I had to chuckle over cooking from memory. Around here everyone remembers how terrible my cooking is. Unfortunately I didn't grow up with memories of anyone liking to cook. Love your caramel recipe. I've made them for years and the worse part was cutting them up. A pizza cutter you say...gheez that's just genius! Thanks for sharing that tip!!!!! Have a very Merry Christmas

  21. Oh and my favorite I told Carol, it's anything that crunches. I'm a dedicated follower too! ;-)

  22. Love snickerdoodles. The snowman mug rug is so cute,

  23. Microwave still my heart!!!

  24. This looks so much easier then my caramel recipe, I may have to give this a try. There may be candy in my home this Christmas after all. Thank you

  25. Sugar cookies, in Christmas shapes, of course - scratch, not packaged! Thank you for your recipes, Susan

  26. I follow you by email! Thank you, Susan

  27. I follow via email. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  28. I don't think there is a cookie I do not like. If so I haven't ate it yet....But my favorites I think..are shortbread and old fashioned peanut butter ones.

  29. What a great tradition! And that caramel recipe sounds delicious!

  30. I make scones. Specifically white chocolate, cranberry, apricot scones. They never seem to last very long.

  31. I love sugar cookies. They are the best.

  32. Oh, don't I know about Grandma's recipe that nobody can duplicate. My G-ma had a sugar cookie like that, we come close but NOT..doesn't happen...Merry Christmas to you and yours

  33. Cindy, you've never made a pattern I didn't; love!
    I make Cherry Shortbread Cookies and they are delicious! Can't ever just eat one!
    Merry Christmas Cindy!

  34. Happy Holidays. Thanks for sharing such yummy recipes. I can't say I've ever had a Christmas cookie I haven't enjoyed, but I do feel I need a good shortbread cookie every Christmas.


  35. Love the caramels - every recipe has left me hungry for cookies!!! mumibrd3(at)gmail(dot)com

  36. love a ginger cookie with a cup of coffee or tea

  37. I love a good gingerbread man cookie. But my favorite are the reindeer cookies I made this year for the virtual exchange. I've been making them for more than 30 years.

  38. I follow by email. Thanks. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  39. Oh those cornflake cookies sound so good. Sounds that your family has a wonderful holiday tradition going on.

  40. I love chocolate chip cookies as my favorite for christmas exchanges

  41. Your cookies look delicious! I love your happy little mug rug too :)

  42. Snickerdoodles are our favorite cookies. We always have to make several batches. Thanks for sharing the caramel recipe. I have wanted to make homemade caramels for years.

  43. My favorite is Sugar Cookies made with cookie cutters. My family always expected me to make them for years. I even got my son and his friends doing them when they were in HS. I finally stopped after he went to college. Now my family expects sausage balls from me :-).

  44. Cindy, I am tickled to find your microwave caramel recipe! I love home-made caramels and have toiled over a hot pan for what seems like forever waiting for the perfect temperature to appear on the candy thermometer. Your recipe will put an end to that horrendous tradition! Yeah! I have posted my favorite holiday cookie on my blog..Swedish Jam yummy!

  45. I am a happy Bloglovin' follower of yours!

  46. I love any cookie with caramel in it. Thanks for giveaway

  47. What a fun Christmas tradition! Thanks for sharing your recipes.

  48. And I forgot to mention my favorite Christmas cookie- Magic Cookie Bars, with coconut and M & M's. Too yummy to resist, so I wait to make them until just before Christmas. Otherwise I have to make a 2nd batch. I'm already a follower. Merry Christmas!

  49. Yum, yum, both recipes look scrumptious. Carmels take a special hand so congrats to you for knowing the trick. Thanks, too, for sharing your microwave recipe - perfect. Using a pizza cutter for cutting is a great tip. Merry Christmas

  50. My favorite Christmas cookie is Fudge - usually only time we make it. Love the corn flake wreath idea. Thanks for the giveaway - kountrypat at Hotmail dot com (not sure about no- reply settings)

  51. My favorite Christmas cookie is oatmeal cookies with white chocolate chips, pecans, and dried cranberries. Yummy!!

  52. I love frosted butter/sugar cookies. Thank you for the amazing giveaway and the yummy caramel recipe!!

  53. I am a long-time follower of your blog.

  54. Fun. I like the idea of caramel in the microwave. Great mug rug, too. Thanks.

  55. What a sweet mug rug and recipe!! I love thumbprint cookies!

  56. I follow your blog with G+

  57. The content of your blog is exactly what I needed, I like your blog, I sincerely hope that your blog a rapid increase in traffic density, which help promote your blog and we hope that your blog is being updated.

  58. My favorite cookie is chocolate crinkles. The chocolate gooey cookie with powdered sugar everywhere. Yummy!

  59. My favorite Christmas cookie is a simple cookie that starts with plain cookie batter - add peppermint flavoring, add red color to half. take a little of the white and roll into a snake, do the same with the red and then roll them together - shape into a candy cane and bake. Eat with brownies and milk for happiness! Thanks for the chance.

  60. I follow you so I get the emailed updates! Thanks again!

  61. I think I will try your recipe. I it makes a small batch, and is microwave easy!

  62. My favourite recipe for Christmas cookies is for shortbread cookies. Nothing difficult, flour, corn starch butter and icing sugar. I really enjoy your blog offerings.

  63. My favorite Christmas cookie is pecan shortbread. Yummmm!

  64. My favorite Christmas cookie is krumkake. My grandma made them for me. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  65. I follow you by email. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  66. Thanks for sharing your recipes! Cookies are my favorite thing to eat, so it's hard to pick just one. But, if I was hard pressed to make a choice I guess I'd have to say Chocolate Chocolate Chip. I ran across the recipe several years ago in a little Hershey's cookbook. These soon became my go-to recipe for gift giving at Christmas time. Pair them with the fudge my mom and grandmother used to make and it's a chocolate lover's paradise around here:-). I do follow you already via e-mail.

  67. I love your emails, there is always a nice thing.
    But my question is why I get the same one over and over again during the week?
    Do I need to update my preference...?
