
Monday, May 1, 2017

May's Block are Out!

May is my favorite month,  it's my birthday month! Growing up my birthday was extra special because I got to share my birthday month with grandma. Our special days were only a day apart! I didn't always live close to my grandparents. Not until I was 15 did we live close enough to see them for every holiday and birthdays. Before that we lived pretty far away and would visit them in the summer for three weeks and they would come visit us for Christmas. So on birthdays we usually got a special package in the mail and a phone call from grandma and grandpa. Mom and dad always made our birthdays pretty special growing up. There was always cake, made from scratch cake! Yum!!! Quite often there would be an angel food cake too...

I found some fun pictures, dad lighting my candles for what I
think is my 6th birthday. Love the picture of mom and I and the picture
of my grandparents...
Mom made two cakes for my 13th birthday... my awkward teenage years... ugh...

When Mark and I were first married, we were lucky enough to live seven miles away from my grandparents. I remember the first year we were married I drove out to the farm to visit my grandparents and they had a beautiful lilac bush blooming. I never knew it was a lilac bush because I was never at the farm growing up when it bloomed. (If I was, I don't ever remember it blooming) Anyway, I love lilacs! They smell glorious! I remember asking grandma if I could pick a couple to take home. Grandma filled my truck with lilacs, I had enough lilacs for a vase for every room in my house! Oh my goodness, it smelled so good! I'm not sure what Mark thought, but I loved it! Whenever my lilacs bloom, I think about that day picking lilacs with grandma.

This year's BOM is a very traditional design using 1930's fabrics. These fabrics remind me so much of grandma and her cotton dresses. I hope that you have fun with this pattern. May's pattern has everything you need to complete these two blocks. You will get the directions on how to make the Dresden plate block. We are almost done with making the Dresden Plates.  There's still time if you would like to join the fun. The supply list can be found on my website along with this month's directions. May's directions are only FREE this month, then after that they will be found on my Etsy site for a small fee. You can also find the directions in my Craftsy Shop too. So let's get started....

Using the blade template cut 1 blade for each fabric.
16 different fabrics total for each block.
You will make 12 blocks all together for this quilt.
Fold the blade in half lengthwise, right sides together and sew a quarter inch seam along the short straight edge (Top edge). This will form the 'point' when you turn it right side out.

Here I have all my blades pressed for one block.

Sew your blades together in pairs, right sides together. Continue to sew blades together along the long side until you form a 16 section plate.

I love the scrappiness of this 'plate'.

I ironed the circle in half, then in half again. And one more time so that I have 'markers' for lining up my circle with my plate section.

I line the seam up with the folded marking and ease my circle and plate section together.
I hold it all together with pins. A lot of pins...
I sew the two together with a 1/4" seam.

The center is the perfect spot for an applique!
HINT: The circle will 'lay down smoother if--- iron the Dresden plate from the back side and iron the circle seam out towards the points.  Then press the front side of the Dresden block.
I don't know what it is, but the block will iron out so much better when done this way.

I have started sewing my Dresden plates onto my white squares.
I have them 'on point'. I will be doing a blog posting explaining this in
more detail in the coming days.

After you make your Dresden circle for this month, then trace your design pieces for the Angel food cake and lilacs onto your heat n bond. Then iron the shapes onto the wrong side of your fabrics and cut the pieces out. Iron them onto the center circle. After that, it's the time to sew around everything using a small button hole stitch.

I set my machine for a 2.5 length and 2.5 width for my blanket stitch.


Angel Food Cake

Patterns can be found on the Quilt Doodle website and on Craftsy (Not until the 1st of the month):
Fat Quarter bundles of 16 fat quarters are available in my Etsy store to get you started.
Tag me on Instagram with your photos #quiltdoodledesignsBOM2017 #quiltdoodledesigns @quiltdoodles
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's angel food cake and lilacs. After writing so much about cake, I am now craving angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. I think I'll go and make one for dessert for Mark and I. I'm going to cheat today and use a cake mix.

          Let’s have some quilty fun!
 photo BOM 2017_zpsfwh6tg76.jpg


  1. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the cake :-)

  2. Happy Birthday! Love the angel food cake block. I always wanted, and still do, to have angel food cake for my birthday. SO yummy, like your blocks. I am enjoying this BOM so much. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for the patterns. One house we lived in growing up had a whole row of lilacs by the driveway.Wo beautiful.

  4. Thank you for sharing such sweet memories. I like knowing the inspiration for your blocks. Happy birthday to you, and may you have many lilacs in your life!
