
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Halloween Haunts!!!

Halloween Haunt 2015

Boo!!! Trick or Treat.... Smell my Feet.... Give me something good to eat.....
When I was a kid, we used to chant this as we went from house to house. I remember us all running around the neighborhood in our costumes. One year I was a robot... I made my costume out of a refrigerator box wrapped in tin foil. I had a small slit cut to see out of and a 'deposit candy here' opening with a pillowcase hooked to the inside of the box to catch the candy. This was one of those costumes that in theory was awesome, but the practicality of it.... not so brillaint. I could barely navigate front steps. It was hilarious! I thought it looked like a robot, but I'm sure I just looked like a huge box wrapped in tin foil hobbling down the street. It turned out to be unseasonably warm that year... so I baked inside of my toasty box... I could have been a microwave!
Halloween last year, my sweetie and I.
We are supposed to be Ragnar and Lagertha, but
I'm afraid we look more like Hagar the Horrible and

So let's get to some spooky fun! I can't wait to show you my fun project! I made a bunch of Bat Mats... they are so stinkin cute and are a great way to use up leftover scraps of Halloween fabric.
Wrap a Bat Mat around a bottle of wine for an adorable
hostess gift...
Stuff a Bat Mat in a mug with candy for your friends!

Make a bunch of Bat Mats and sew them onto some orange and white
bakers twine for a batty garland to welcome the little zombies that
visit this Halloween.

I'm hosting a little giveaway on my blog, leave me a sweet comment on your favorite costume for a chance to win. (For an extra chance follow me too) I'm giving away 3 PDF copies of my Going Batty Mug Mat to three lucky winners. I will pick the lucky winners at the end of the hop and notify you by email!  Halloween is right around the corner, and this blog hop has been so much fun so far! So much spooky inspiration! Make sure to leave a comment (or two) and enter the drawing for the $25 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop over at Marian's at Seams To Be Sew! Thank you Marian for this awesome hop, I'm loving it!

I get to share today with this talented group!
Have fun hopping around and remember to say
'Trick or Treat'!

Featured Haunts On Tuesday October 20
Quilt Doodle Doodle (Thank you for stopping by!)
Happy Halloween!


  1. My favorite costume goes with an incident from many Halloweens ago. Hubby and I were at a party with friends when the "french maid" got knocked out by a heavy door. 911 was called and her boyfriend went in the ambulance with her while we followed. Upon arriving at the hospital bystanders were heard saying "oh this is bad" as the boyfriend stepped out of the ambulance. He was dressed as a priest. And the maid was fine.

  2. I'm batty for you'd bats!! I was Diana Ross one year. I wore my great aunt's sequin dress & sported a long black wig.

  3. I have always loved Halloween, but I think my favorite costume I have worn was Medusa, I used pipe cleaners for the snakes in my hair and it was great fun. My niece was a robot year before last and she was pretty uncomfortable in her box by the end of the night, too.
    My email is:

  4. Love your bat mats!
    My favorite costume must be a ghost one; a white sheet.

  5. I love your batty banner, I tried to follow, not sure it worked, you are bookmarked anyway:-)

  6. Your bats are just adorable! I love their colorful bellies!

  7. My favorite costume is Buzz light year. My grandson is wearing it this year and it is so adorable on a one year old. I would love a copy of your bat rugs. They would look good as placemats too

  8. Oh wow, they are so cute! What fun mats! Love them very much! I have no idea about a costume as we do not celebrate Halloween really here in Switzerland, lol!

  9. I LOVE your bat mug rugs! What a great idea to make them into a garland too!

  10. Love the bats! My favorite costume is probably the Swedish Fish costume I made for my son when he was in high school. Swedish Fish like the red gummy candy. It was his idea, and my challenge to make it. It went from his ankles all the way up above his head with a hole for his face. I made it from foam and covered it in red fabric. He's 6 foot 6 so it was really something to see!

  11. Very cute pieces!!!! Make quit th table setting

  12. Love the bat bunting. My favorite costume was the batman costume for my younger son when he was about seven. He has pictures of himself wearing it up on his Facebook page, so he must have enjoyed it too.

  13. What a wonderful projects ! My favorite custom would be a zombie ;-)

  14. Lovely mats! Very clever and cheerful! thanks for sharing!!

  15. Those are really cute. I love the idea of using them as wine gift tags.

  16. What great bat coasters! Super idea.

  17. Your mats are wonderful and the garland idea is awesome. I think my favorite costume was the year I went green to be a martian. I probably looked more like a crayola crayon. :-}

  18. I LOVE bats and yours are so cute! Happy Halloween! I went as a rat one year...simple grey sweats with felt ears attached and a rope tail caught in a rat and easy to make. Thanks!

  19. My favorite costume was the year I sat on the porch dressed as a headless guy. I had a red handkerchief over my head and wore a plaid shirt buttoned up over my face and held a beer bottle. Kids freaked when I told them to take just one candy. They thought I was a decoration!!

  20. Love the bats, especially the bat garland! My favorite costumes were not ones that I wore, but ones I have seen at parties or worn by trick or treaters who came to my home. For an adult the best was a sandwich made using foam rubber bread and felt/fabric for sandwich fixings (meat, cheese, tomato, lettuce). For a child my favorite was a baby chick hatching out of an egg. Super cute!!!!

  21. So incredibly cute!!!

  22. I love your Bat Mats. They are spooky cute. My favorite was a witch .. love those black hats. Happy Halloween.

  23. Those Bat Mats are spooky cute. My favorite costume was a witch. Love those black hats. Happy Halloween.

  24. Bats bats bats - love them! My favourite costumes over the years were the ones I made for my kids from whatever I had on hand. Very rarely bought one. Even made a roly poly clown for my daughter one year. Thanks for putting the pattern up for grabs.

  25. Gorgeous bats. Love them. Thanks for sharing. I had a favourite nun's costume, complete with wimple and rosary made from wooden car seat beads. Loved it.

  26. OMGosh, I love your bats and thanks for sharing so many different uses for them. oh, favorite costumn...any witch will do!! Especially if they have Flying Monkeys!!

  27. sew..I looked back at some of your past posts and I am following you now. Quilty and applique inspirations!!

  28. My favorite costume was one I made for my son - a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! And I just love your bat mats!!

  29. Cindy! Your bat mats are absolutely adorable!! (Is anything not that you do? - nope!) :D

  30. Those bats are fabulous. I love the garland idea too. I've made numerous costumes over the years for the grandchildren, but I think my favorite was the watering can....or maybe the snail....hmmmm.

  31. You've got me shivering with joy at those bat mats. I love them! I feel the need to go sew bats today!

  32. I was a butterfly many years as a kid- those painted cardboard wings got more use than my parents probably ever expected! Love these bats- would love to enlarge it a bit for placemats for my kids! Thanks... Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  33. Oh I love them. What a cute idea! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Oh my husband and I like the vikings too. I love the intro music LOL

  34. My favorite costume was zipper face. It was easy to do but real freaky.

  35. Cute bat mats! My granddaughters would love them. My favorite costume was a dinosaur tail I made for my oldest granddaughter.

  36. I'm a regular follower via email. I'm loving your blocks of the month! :-)

  37. I love costumes on little babies! There are so many cute ones. My grandson was born in September and he had a pumpkin hat and costume for his first Halloween. I love your bat mat and garland! I might super size it and make a 'bat mat' for the bathtub.

  38. Oh your bat mats are just too cute for words!!!! My favorite costume is not a people is a dog one. I love golden retrievers and I have seen several photos of costumes where they make the golden retriever look like a lion for Halloween. Mine hates costumes but I do put a Halloween-print bandana around his neck when the trick or treaters come.

  39. Your little bat mats are so cute! Favorite costume? The year our family all dressed up like the characters from The Wizard of Oz!

  40. I haven;t done costumes in a long time, but when my kids were little we/they always did home made - no store bought. Their creativity was boundless.

  41. I follow you through email
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  42. your projects are wonderful. you and your sweetie look wonderful thanks for shairng

  43. I love all your Batty projects, (lol) especially the table mats. They are all so cute. As for costumes, haven't made any since our grandkids were little and we now have great grandchildren, so I will take a pass on that question. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  44. I LOVE them...they really must share the house with my Scardy Bat quilt! I do believe they were met to be! ;-)

  45. My favorite costumes are witches! Great mat! Thanks

  46. I'm not much of a Halloween person, but your bats are so cute and can be used many ways.. Thanks for the chance to win a pattern.

  47. Your Bat Mats are so darn cute and look like they would be a quick project to get done before Halloween. The only costume I remember is dressing up as a gypsy. My mom let me dress in her clothes and we added tons of her jewelry. I think I remember it so well because it was so special as she helped me get adorned with her things and trusted a ten year old with them. Rina

  48. Of course I'm a dedicated follower! - Rina

  49. Love your creative bats! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  50. my favorite costume was a homemade witch one i made to take my kids trick or treating. love your bats.

  51. My favorite costume was a stuffed pumpkin I sewed for my oldest daughter when she was almost 1. Considering I didn't know how to sew it came out great. I love your Bat mat. Cutest thing I have seen in a while. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. My Favorite Costume Was Maid Marian. I Made the Costume along with the Cone Scarf Headdress. I made my husband a Friar Tuck Robe and he had a large turkey leg and a beaver stick! I love your Bats!. Your Fabrics are Incredible!

  53. Cute bats, like the different color tummys.

  54. Trick or Treat! Your bat mats are just adorable!

    What a GREAT design! YOU ROCKED THIS!!!!!

  56. I love your Bat mats...wish I would have thought of that! Hey, I still have time to make some. Your costumes look good! So, what are you 2 going to be this year?

  57. I love your Bat mats...wish I would have thought of that! Hey, I still have time to make some. Your costumes look good! So, what are you 2 going to be this year?

  58. I absolutely adore your Bat mats!! My favorite costume is the little devil costume my mother made for her first grandson for his first Halloween. It has been worn by all of her grandchildren for their first Halloweens and I still have it. I can't wait to see my grandchildren wear many memories! Trick or Treat!!

  59. I love your bats. I made my daughter a mermaid and a bat costume once. Us adults were the grim reaper and a red dragon. crystalbluern at tds dot net

  60. The bat mats are too stinking cute and very versatile! When I was a small child, my mother made me a beautiful red, sparkly princess dress for Halloween and I loved it. I was never a pink girl and red has been my favorite color forever.

  61. I follow you via Google Friends Connect. Thanks for the chance to win you Bat mat pattern!

  62. I was teaching 1st grade, and my team decided to do Snow White and the 4 dwarfs. I was Snow, and made an awesome costume. They wore bathrobes and I made them hats. I carried a huge red apple all day. We had so much fun, and the kids and parents loved it.

  63. We used to say that too when I was young. My favorite Halloween costume was a Mother Goose costume that my Mom made for me. I love your Bat Mats too. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  64. I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  65. Well I am a follower and love to see what you are up too. I am batty for your bats love how you have used them in different ways. thanks for sharing

  66. Very cute bats. Thanks for the inspiration.

  67. I love your bats! Have always been a fan of bats, and have a wonderful old lamp where the shade is embossed metal with glass inserts in the shape of bats. Have a great Halloween, Helga!

  68. I like the wine bottle decoration :-) I really don't have a favorite costume. When I was a kid, we only had face masks except for one year when my sister and I got a whole costume. The thing is, I can't remember what I was supposed to be.

    senstrings at yahoo dot com

  69. Best ever costume was a bunch of purple grapes! Wear purple sweatsuit underneath, cut a hole in bottom of LG trash bag for your head, and arm holes too, then blow up oodles and oodles of little purple balloons and stick them to the trash bag. Grapes! I love the bats!

  70. The bat mats are cute as can be. If made larger in size, I could see them used as place mats.

  71. I'm so old I don't even remember my costumes when I was trick or treating age except that they would have been homemade. My little grandsons were Legos last year, my SIL made the cute costumes.

  72. I have been following your blog with GFC.

  73. When I was a kid I had a fairy costume...just loved it. Had a magic wand with a cardboard star covered with glitter to go with it! I was sad when I outgrew that costume. Thanks for sharing your projects.

  74. My favorite costume was static cling. Very easy - I just pinned socks all over myself. I love your bat mats. They just make me smile! Thanks for the delightful post.

  75. I love your bat mats! They are boo-tiful! I am a regular subscriber and enjoy your posts.

  76. My favorite costume is dressing up like a Queen. I love purple and that is a sign of royalty. Also love to wear jewels and a crown is fun. Mostly love ordering my fellow subjects around!

  77. I was a hobo many times in the 50's. For my daughters I made costumes and my favorite was a fun clown costume. Love the bat mats:)

  78. My costumes were always home made. One year my boyfriend, husband for 46 yrs now, and I dressed up as hippies. Was so much fun doing the tie dye and peace sign necklaces. Love the bats; they are so cute.

  79. My hair is so wirey that I have always dressed like someone who has forgotten to pull their finger out of the electrical socket. Love your bat mats and have a friend who would die for one or two of them. (She, actually, is not normal. Halloween is where she lives not just a holiday. And she loves it! And we love her because she is so much fun and so unassuming.One of our quilting friends made her a pin cushion last month as a thank you. It was shaped like a coffin with places for the pins on top. We all laughted together over it when we presented it to her. ) Thanks for sharing your bats!

  80. I really, really love your bat mats. My favorite costume was the He-man costume I made for my son when he was 3. It was a full body costume with rippling muscles all over. He absolutely loved it! I still have it stored away.

  81. My favorite costume that I ever wore was a Medusa, homemade costume. I had a wire frame holding my green spray painted hair "snakes". It was a lot more fun wearing than trying to undo the mess I made of my hair!
    I love your bat mats, especially the one with the multicolored diamonds as his center.

  82. I love the bat mats, so much so, off to Etsy I went and bought them... I just couldn't wait to see if I might win them. :)

    I loved the story of the you making your own robot costume and Hagar and Helga, today was a great visit.. Thank you.

  83. My favorite costume was the witch costume our Aunt Susie used to wear. It was elaborate and she really got into the spirit of it, including wearing a long, green nose. At the time it delighted me, and now, as an adult, I realize how much effort and energy she put into it the holiday all for the pleasure of her nieces. What a great aunt she was, and how lucky and blessed we were. She made so many incredible memories for us.

  84. Cute bats! Hubby and I went as Raggedy Ann & Andy to a party years ago but my favorite costume there was Mr. Potatohead made from a burlap bag.

  85. My favorite costume is a tornado - lots of gray netting!

  86. Love your projects. Wish I were half as clever.

  87. My favorite costume was when my 8 year old daughter dressed as an "old lady" and even walked bent over all night. She was a hoot! Very cute bats!

  88. I am crazy about your Bat Mug Rugs! I'd love to make a banner of them for our mantel.
    This year, I am going to be a Dairy Queen. I found a brand-new Dairy Queen uniform shirt at GoodWill. I will add a tiara, cat-eye glasses and carry an ice cream bucket. How fun!

  89. I am a new Bloglovin' follower of yours and also on G+! So glad I found you!

  90. My favorite costume was always a witch but I've been stuck in a giant box before too! You're right... good in theory, not in reality. Oh, and bat mats?! Love it!

  91. Oh so many costumes. I think one of my favorites was when my sister was little we took a chicken feed sack which said chick starter, cut a hole in it and she had a little hood with a comb.

  92. Cute bat mats! My favorite costume I wore was a furry Gizmo (Gremlins). Favorite I made for son, furry Ewok. I made lots of fake fur costumes for a few years (pink rabbits for the twins the year son was Ewok and oldest son wore my Gizmo costume--needless to say they all won their age group in costume contest!)

  93. OMG!!! Those batty mug rugs are awesome!!! I'd love to win a pattern to make them!!! My favourite costume as a child was when I dressed as a nun!!

  94. OMG!! Those batty mug rugs are awesome!! I'd love to win the pattern to make some!! My favourite costume as a child was when I dressed up like a nun in habit... It was fun and I got a lot of compliments!!

  95. Such cute bat mats. My favorite costume was when our whole family dresses up like Star Trek characters.

  96. I saw those cute bats and said "self you need that pattern", the bats are adorable! Love! Grat job

  97. I am following by bloglovin now

  98. I was so busy telling you I loved your bats I forgot to tell you I had a similar costume but I got the bright idea to put a peanut butter plastic jar on mine with a candle! After the first block my Father was upset because the candle my stepbrother lite in my jar was causing the jar to melt and smoke. So I went around the rest of the night smelling of burnt plastic! I was 9 what can I say!

  99. WOW, I love these bats. I have Halloween fabric just calling to be turned into bats. This is adorable.

    debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

  100. I love the bats! My favorite costume is one I made for my daughter when she was 5, it looked like she was riding a horse!

  101. LOVE your bats! My favorite so far! I love the day of the dead costumes with the painted faces and frilly dresses.

  102. I saw a Doughboy costume last year, complete with pump that blows air into the costume to inflate it - loved it!!

  103. My favorite costume is my Tony The Tiger costume when I was a kid. My sister was Sylvestor The Cat. Your bats are adorable! I love the picture of you and your hubby! I think it`s great. Your sense of humor is pretty good too! HaHa!

  104. Love those bats! The garland is perfect for Halloween. My favorite costume as a kid was a fairy complete with wings.

  105. I love Halloween ! This year I made trick or treat bags and place mats for my granddaughters.
    Their costumes this year are my favorite-both are cute scarecrows-they wore them to a scarecrow making event and were the hit of the day !

  106. Your Bat Mats are Spooktacular. So stinking cute is right. Total #CreativeGoodness.

    Favorite costume? Not sure I have an absolute favorite....but guess I'd pick the time I was a green witch and actually got asked out for a date, while at a party as a very ugly green witch! Pretty brave guy.


  107. Absolutely LOVE your bats! I can't say as this was my favorite costume, but reading your post reminded me of when I was probably five or six (almost 50 years ago now) and my dad took me to the house of a couple from church who were hosting a party for their Young Adults class later that evening. I adored these two people and was ever so anxious for them to see me outfit. The wife must not have been dressed yet because I know I wasn't afraid of her, but when she took me into the living room, after telling me that her husband, Jack, had disappeared and an ugly old man was in his place, I freaked out, turned around and started running out of the room screaming as loud as I could scream. My panic turned into tears needless to say, and it was all my dad could do to keep me from running out the front door without him. I just knew that the hideous creature that was sitting in Jack's chair had eaten him up and was going to do the same to me. Of course, they felt bad about scaring the liver out of me, but you can bet that his costume was one I've never forgotten, and doubt that I ever will.

  108. Love the bats! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  109. These Bat Mats are so stinkin' cute! I got to make some. The banner is my favorite.

    My favorite Halloween costume(s) were the ones I made for my kiddos, especially the two I made for my boys when they were very small. The older one who was three was Big Bird and the younger who was just starting to walk was Little Bird. They were so adorable in their Mama's eyes. They did win a little prize in the local little kids Halloween walk, too. Sweet memories.

    Thank you for sharing in the hop and the chance to win ... :) Pat

  110. Those bat mats are awesome!! super clever. I need to make some of my own!!

  111. The Bat Mats are just too cute. I can see lots of them flying around my dining room, suspended from a thread of course. Thanks for sharing. Happy Halloween.

  112. Love the place mats. thanks for the chance to win

  113. My favourite costume was one I made for my daughter when she was little--Little Bo-Peep, including a tiny sheep! Was loads of fun to make.

  114. The Bat Mats are just too cute. I love decorating with "cute" Halloween as opposed to scary and have a fascination for bats anyway. They are so cool. Thank you. I love your patterns.

  115. those bats are so cute. I would love to make a bat garland. I have made paper bats in my preschool and we made a bat cave. My favorite costume is a pumpkin skirt I made. Happy Halloween!

  116. Those bat mats are awesome! Love them strung as a garland. Great Idea!

  117. Oh, forgot, my favorite costume was the first costume I ever made for my boys when the were little. Buzz LIghtyear. They looked so cute and they were so proud to were them. I was a good Holloween night.

  118. My favorite costume was one I made for my son years ago. He was a crayola crayon. There was a pattern I followed. We used his favorite color (purple), he even had a hat which was the point of the crayon. He won awards at the city contest.

  119. I love HALLOWEEN and I am always looking for something new to make for family members. Your bats are so cute.
