
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tree Bird Blog Hop!

Thank you Mdm Samm and Lana for this fun Springtime blog hop. Perfect way to start spring... I love watching the birds outside my kitchen and 4 season windows. They keep me entertained as they flit and fly about. I have many wonderful visitors to my various bird feeders. I can count on the Chickadees and Cardinals  to stop by. The Robins like the birdbath. Occasionally a Bluebird or Wood Pecker stops by long enough for me to see them. Once my gardens are blooming then I am graced by the Hummingbirds presence. I especially like to look out for the Orioles in the spring. As soon as they show up, I know springtime is right around the corner. I am longing for spring, so tired of the cold and having to heat my house. I'm sooooo looking forward to opening the windows and enjoying some springtime freshness.  My sister has spotted her first robin at her house, that means in a week or two they will be appearing here. I can't wait!!! 

 I had a hard time finding this fabric, but I did track some of it down on ETSY. It was fun to work with. I got the panels and I wanted to make something to show the individual designs off. I of coarse waited until last minute to work on my projects, mainly because I didn't know what I wanted to make! So at two o'clock Sunday morning I knew what I wanted to make. I worked right up to the deadline!
I made two pretty mug mats...
(The birdhouse it a treasure, my dad made it,
I use it as display in my house now) My dad used to love

watching the birds, much of my love for our feathered friends
comes from my dad. 
I added a pretty border using a 'row' of fabric panels
onto a tea towel and made a matching handy heart
hot pad.  It's a pretty matched set.
I am looking forward to seeing this year's first robin! What kind
of pretty birds do you have visit? Leave me a sweet comment for a 
chance to win a PDF copy of my 'Bluebird' applique pattern.
I will pick out two winners at the end of the hop~

I hope that you have fun hopping around. I get to share today with these lovely ladies....

Monday, March 16
Quilt Doodles (You are here!)

Happy Quilting!


  1. YOU ROCKED IT GIRL! Last minute or not...I can't even be that creative in a pinch! You really showed off those birdies in your rug mugs and that apron! It does make a pretty set with that cute little heart...I love that you have those treasures from your Dad...what a gift! These really have so much personality!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  2. Did I write Apron???? I meant Tea Towels!!!! Your fabric choices to show those panels off WERE perfect!!!!

  3. Love your mug rugs! Thank you for sharing.

  4. You are one busy lady! Love your mug rugs and sweet kitchen set. Such sweet fabric!

  5. Love the mug rugs, and the tea towel, with the hotpad, so very delicate and pretty at the same time. As always, beautiful projects.

  6. Lovely mug rugs, tea towel and hot pad, Cindy! This early in spring I have only seen a pair of magpies near my yard, but I do hear other birds outside my bedroom window early in the morning. It is so nice to wake up to lovely bird songs!

  7. Love you mug rugs and tea towel. I love to hear the personal stories of loved ones and how they enjoyed birds. My second husband loved birds and had a book that he would sit and show the grands pictures of the birds. They could push a button and hear the birds' "voices." Of course, everyone enjoyed that. You are always very generous with your giveaways.

  8. Sweet mug rugs! And the birdhouse from your dad is precious. Thanks for sharing your lovely items today!

  9. Cute projects! Love how you added the panels to the tea towel, and the hot pad is perfect!

  10. Love your mug rugs. That is the prettiest fabric. What a treasure that bird house is also. Thank you for sharing your projects today.

  11. Your projects are so sweet, and are great ways to use the bird panels!

  12. Very nice pieces...nice to see so many ideas

  13. You sure come through with a deadline! Love the birdie kitchen goodies... they'll bring a spring smile to your face when you use them! I love the cardinals and blue jays.. and once in awhile, a woodpecker will visit. More than looking at them, I love to hear their songs.

  14. Oh, how pretty! You will enjoy your mug rugs and tea towel for a long time. It's nice that you have the bird house that your dad made, too!

  15. A charming collection of ideas for working with these beautiful prints!

  16. Very nice, your projects are just lovely.

  17. Lovely projects - and what a perfect way to use a panel! blessings, marlene

  18. Your birdhouse is sooo pretty. That is really a treasure. Your bird projects turned out so cute too. You wil certainly feel spring is in the air as you use them.

  19. Love your projects, Cindy, and the birdhouse that your dad made. Just now the visitors at our feeder are chickadees, downy woodpeckers, and sparrows .... and the magpies love the peanuts!

  20. Great projects! I saw a robin in the back yard last week. It's gone in hiding at the moment as we are having a major snowstorm here in eastern Canada. I can't wait for warmer weather!!

  21. Such a sweet treasure that bird house is! I love how you added the birds to the bottom of the tea towel and the heart shaped pot holder is adorable. Cute, cute mug rugs, too...great projects!

  22. I love that sweet heart, beautiful projects :)

  23. Your projects are cute, clever, and look like they were lots of in to make!

  24. I have an inside collection of "bird" things as well as the ones that are outside. I just love the chickadees and cardinals. Spring is here when I see Rosebreasted Grosbeaks!

  25. Really great projects using that fabric. Dads are always fun birders. Must be a gene.

  26. I love the stripe dish towel. The birds look right at home on it. Perfect little mugrugs too!

  27. Your mug rugs, hot pad and tea towel are all darling!

  28. Cute birdie projects for your kitchen. Love your dad's sweet birdhouse. What a treasure! :D

  29. Cute birdie projects for your kitchen. I love your dad's birdhouse. What a treasure! :D

  30. Your projects are all so sweet. Great job.

  31. Oh I love the matching kitchen set of tea towel and hot pad. And the mug rug is so pretty. I'm looking forward to the robins returning too. It's always a sure sign that spring is well on its way.

  32. We've had some 60 degree weather in Iowa this past week - yep, I had the windows open and shut off the furnance for a few hours. I thought your idea to add this fabulous fabric to the towel and potholder were wonderful. It is such amazing fabric that it just speaks for itself.

  33. It is a pretty fabric line, so glad you found it. You showcased it perfectly and I am sure it will be the star of your kitchen this spring.

  34. How pretty... I love your mug rugs And the dish towel and potholder are equally as cute.

  35. great ideas for using the panels. Love your dad's birdhouse too.

  36. You came up with great projects, I am inspired to get sewing, thanks for sharing.

  37. Lovely creations all! I really like the tea towel and hot pad. The fabrics you used in your pretty mug rugs are wonderful with the bird house panel. Thank you for sharing ... :) Pat

  38. Lovely projects. I am a lot like you, have to wait until that perfect inspiration strikes before I can start! Thanks for sharing your lovely projects.

  39. So very pretty, I love all your projects. I have been having 3 different woodpeckers, junco's, house sparrows mainly

  40. Love the bird houses. I have to admit the robins are here. Our winter was so mild I'm not sure they ever left. Of course that means minimal snow in the mountains so we are going to have some real water issues this summer and may have a horrendous fire season.

  41. How very Tweet your Dad's birdhouse is and I can see how your love of birds helped you create these fun Tree Bird projects. I love to see the little Finches that flit from tree to tree. Recently in Arkansas I was watching the most beautiful red Cardinals and wish I had them here. Thank you sew much for Tree Bird hopping and participating. Creative Bird Bliss...

  42. I love all of your projects. You are a true inspiration. I enjoy having the blue birds, cardinals, robins, and blue jays visit. Thank you for sharing and giving us a chance to win one of your mug rug patterns.

  43. lovely projects. This theme makes us spring ready.

  44. Don't know what happened to my first comment. Lovely projects. This theme makes us spring ready. Thanks for the giveaway.

  45. Love these projects. The heart hot pad is my favorite. It's so tweet! I mean sweet! ;)

  46. I love your creations. Mug rugs are a favorite of mine. We have many birds in common here, except the orioles. Lots of blue jays if I put out peanuts in the shell. Lots of squirrels too! Still waiting for my first robin this year (southern Ontario)

  47. I look forward to seeing my Goldfinches and Robins.
    Your projects are very lovely!

  48. This fabric is perfect for mug mats so you can do a little coffee drinking and bird watching anytime. Very sweet.

  49. Loved all of your projects you will have a pretty spring kitchen. No spring birds visible here in Stratford yet.

  50. Cindy, Your mats, towels and hot pads are beautiful. So classy and well thought out, kudos to you.

  51. I really enjoyed seeing your projects. And what a treasure to have the bird house from your dad. We have a lot of cardinals and occasionally some blue birds. I look forward to the yellow finches. They look like yellow crayons flying around the yard.

  52. Nice projects that really say Spring! Love the striped binding.

  53. Cindy your kitchen items are beautiful and will a wonderful way to remember this blog hop throughout the rest of the year. Your father's bird house is a prefect prop for your photos too. Thank you for sharing them us today.


  54. We've had such a warm winter here in Oregon that we had robins in January. I was worried about them, but my more experienced neighbors tell me that the birds know more than I do, that if the robins are here then spring is definitely on its way.

  55. Loved both of your mug rugs. Hope my Bluejay and Cardinal come back this year.

  56. Wonderful - I love having pretty mug rugs around and your two are lovely. The tea towel is so pretty - it would never be used at my house - too good by far! Your Dad's bird house is great for using as a prop and memory.

  57. I am here, a bit late, but so worth the visit...lovely projects my sweet lady

  58. This bird fabric is perfect to make such tweet additions for your kitchen ! Everything is very pretty Cindy !

  59. Nice Spring additions to your kitchen!!
    Gmama Jane

    1. The first Bird we see is the Robin .Not sure when that will be we still have 4-5 feet of snow everywhere.Maybe i should take that back as we have seen Hawks and crows its nesting time for them along the shoreline of the Pond outback. lovely little mugrug,cute bird fabric

  60. great apron - thanks for sharing projects.

  61. I have birds in my kitchen also--thanks for inspiring me to make a few things. Next on my list--YOUR tea towels!

  62. Great job! I wouldn't have been able to do it. The closer to the deadline the worse I get. I was staring at our tree and there was this weird thing, I was worried it was a hornet nest we get them a lot. I had another look and it is an oriole nest, I had seen these funny looking orangy red birds around my feeder and was wondering what they were. Guess ours are going to stay a while.

  63. The panels look perfect on your mug rugs! Great idea. Your kitchen set looks lovely too!
    Robins are my favourite birds to spot but we have them earlier on in the winter... now I know where they go!

  64. Love the tea towel idea! ☺ Might have to make some of these.

  65. Love all your sweet little projects. You made some beautiful kitchen décor.

  66. I love all the beauties you thought up! I need to make some hot pads too!
