
Friday, January 23, 2015

Liz's Quilt for the BOM 2014... 'Winter Warmth'

Welcome to the  Quilt Doodle BOM 2014 blog hop. It has been so much fun to see everyone's quilts. Today I am hosting Liz's quilt. She is a very talented quilter and I love how her 2014 BOM quilt turned out. I enjoyed watching her progress thru flickr each month.  Here's a note from Liz and pictures of her lovely quilt....

"I decided to make this BOM when I saw the first design--I love snowmen! I think 2014 is the first year I actually sewed along with a BOM. While I did begin a number of BOM's, Quilt Doodles was the first and only one so far that I have completed and given away. When I started, I didn't know what I would do with it--or if I would actually finish it! I was moving along each month until we got to the first one with applique--I think it was the hot cocoa mugs-I almost bailed. I had never done applique before and the thought of it scared the heck out of me, but by then, I had decided to donate the quilt to the auction fundraiser for the school where I work. This was a good thing, because now I was committed--to the project I mean( but my husband and kids would probably agree I needed to be committed in the other sense). The only potential problem I saw was that the last block pattern-the Christmas lights-was posted in October, and the fundraiser date was November 6th. They needed all prizes by the beginning of November, so this gave me a month to complete the October block, put all the pieces together-I did plan ahead and have all the other blocks sewn together, sandwich, quilt and bind. Somehow, I did get all of this done and the quilt to the committee in the nick of time. My one disappointment was that I couldn't do the embellishments. When I turned the quilt in, they loved it!! We had two prize levels-higher value and lower value-and they put my quilt in the higher value grouping! It was a tricky tray auction, not a bidding type auction. It would have been interesting and exciting to see how much someone would have paid for it. It was cellophaned into a basket, rather than displayed, but we had pictures of the front and back next to the basket. I didn't take a picture of the backing, although you can see a little of it in the picture of the label, but the pattern was of penguins in the snow--it was very cute! I few people at the fundraiser told me they loved the quilt, put tickets in for it and really hoped they won it. Secretly, I was hoping that a parent or staff member would win it so I knew it went to someone who would love where it came from. In the end, it was an aunt of one of our students who won it! She wrote me a lovely thank you note and said that her niece would use it every time she came to visit--and that made me happy!
When I was getting ready to write on the label, I emailed Cindy to ask what she was calling the quilt pattern, but she hadn't named it yet. I named mine "Winter Warmth" and gave Cindy well deserved credit on the label for designing it!
Thanks Cindy for putting together the 2014 BOM and making it so much fun! I'm in for the 2015 BOM but will sadly admit that I've only picked fabric for the January block. I'm going to do my best to dive in and get back to regular quilting when my kids head back to college!"

I love, love, love the backing fabric! Thank you Liz
for the shout out on the label. Your work is beautiful! Love
the quilting!
It warms my heart thinking of a sweet little girl all
snuggled up under Liz's quilt. What a wonderful story...
Let's leave Liz some sweet comments and remember to visit today's bloggers... I will be announcing winners January 27th. 


  1. Your quilt is wonderful and how generous of you to donate it for a good cause! I love your backing fabric, the sweet label and name of the quilt and especially the story that goes with it!! Great job!

  2. Beautiful job, Liz! Such a fun backing was perfect for it too. Congrats on your finish.

  3. I love when there is a special story to a quilt and you did a beautiful job for such a rush. Congratulations on such a wonderful finish.

  4. Wasn't that aunt lucky to win such a neat prize. You did a lovely job, and the quilting is just right, especially the house. Also like the way you tucked in your label. Very nice..

  5. Oh that quilt is fabulous and turned out so sweet.

  6. Cindy what fun this has been, I want to thank you again for your generosity! And prizes?? I hope I'm in the running for one. My post is long, and detailed but I couldn't leave anything out! The other quilts are so wonderful too. Can't wait to see them all.
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  7. Nice job! I'm sure that little girl is super-happy to have such a special quilt. It turned out wonderfully. Beautiful work!

  8. quilting to me is all about sharing...the quilt is adorable and you are a wonderful person!

  9. Hi!!!! Way to go!!!!! It is beautiful!!!!! I love it!!!!!

  10. Beautiful quilt! I hope to try the 2015 bom

  11. Your quilt turned out perfect! Love the story behind it and am sure the little girl who gets to sleep under it will be having sweet dreams. Well Done!!

  12. Your quilt is adorable. I love that you donated it! Great idea that I will steal for my next BOM if you don't mind! And your backing fabric is just too cute! Great work!

  13. Adorable! Love the backing fabric!

  14. Liz did a great job on the quilt AND I'm sure that whoever won it will just love it. I'm still working on mine and hope to have it finished soon, that is if I can avoid getting anymore of the "flu" bugs that have been going around.
