
Sunday, November 2, 2014

BOM 2014 ~ Borders!

 Happy quilting! I'm late posting and I apologize.... Halloween at my house is a big deal. We love carving pumpkins and dressing up. I even made creepy Zombie meatloaf!  Let me share a couple of fun pictures....

Now back to our winter themed quilt....I'm sure many of you that are quilting along with me have your strips all  sewn together on your quilt, isn't it cute! Now it's time to put on the borders, and borders are totally optional. You can do them as I have suggested or do your own. It's up to you! Back in January I posted a listing of supplies recommending 1 yard for border one and 1 1/2 yards for border two. I've got the borders added to mine... 

The directions for adding the borders and some fun embellishments can be found for FREE Here and also on Craftsy until the end of the year. This will give you time to get your quilt all done. This project would be beautiful made up for the holiday season and would make a wonderful gift! Now let me talk about embellishments. I am going to quilt my quilt before I do some of the special touches like sew on buttons and yo-yos. I will reveal the finished quilt along with it's name by Christmas.  On the printed directions you will find a snowman you can add by your cabin, a wreath for the door, snow for the roof and chimney.  There are also special touches for the cocoa mugs. It's time to have fun and make this quilt your own!  I hope that you continue to have fun with this project as you finish it up. I have some more goodies to give away so stayed tuned and keep on posting those pictures!
Remember to post your progress onto the Flickr account for a chance to win the prizes! If you blog about it, please email me a link so that I can attach it to the Pinterest Board I have going for the BOM 2014.

Let's have a blog hop in January. Let's have a virtual show and tell!

Happy Quilting,
Julianne Frey Keeler

Julianne won this wonderful cookbook...
Please email me your address so that I can send you your awesome prize!


  1. Oh, her quilt looks so pretty - congratulations to the winner and thank you for hosting. This will be so fun to put together. Thank you for a lovely pattern.

  2. Thank you so much for the BOM!!

  3. Just double checking... is the 1st border supposed to be 1.5" or 2.5"? It look 2.5" on yours, but the PDF says 1.5".

  4. Congratulations Julianne, your top is looking great!!!

  5. Thank you for this great BOM, Cindy! Your quilt is adorable-anxious to see everyone's completed quilts!

  6. Zombie meatloaf.....I'm not sure I'd want to try it! ;) Thanks so much for BOM series. I haven't even started it, but have loved all of the layers.

  7. I love Halloween too! What a fun quilt...I love row quilts they always tell some kind of story!

  8. Thanks, Cindy, for the great pattern and for hosting the sew-along! The block/strip a month works as great incentive for me to get it done along with everyone else that's sewing along.
    I'll share my finished mini version soon! Thanks again!

  9. Thank you Thank you! So excited!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful quilt top. I wasn't able to finish mine in time for Christmas but I will finish it, quilt it, and embellish it. My daughter will be delighted whenever she receives it.
