
Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Wilson Weekend...

It has been a Wilson weekend. He had a puppy spa day on Friday and got a zippy new haircut. He looks so handsome. I should have watched the weather, we are forecasted for up to 6" tto 12" of the white fluffy stuff . Wilson may look handsome with his new haircut, but, poor puppy is going to FREEZE.... so I was busy today making Wilson a doggie coat. I found some camo polar fleece and I think it would look nice as a doggie wrap. I found a pattern that I altered to work with HERE, I printed it up on 11 x 17 paper and still needed to enlarge it for Wilson. I added some velcro, so it's an easy on and easy off item. (I don't need to wrestle with my dog over a cutesy pet sweater)

Before making his snappy poochie poo jacket, I baked. I baked an apple pie for my hubby. I made some cinnamon rolls for Thomas. I also make a crock pot of wild rice soup - along with some homemade rolls. The house smells so good. Wilson's nose was going into hyper drive. Well I couldn't leave my four legged boy out so I whipped up some homemade doggie treats. I found a RECIPE HERE. They're call 'woofies'... I can see why, Wilson wanted to woof them down. They are a hit. I will certainly make them again.
May I have some more.... please...
(How can I say no to those sweet eyes...)


I have also drawn names for the Black Cat Crossing giveaway! My Three winners are; Cucki,
Vrooman's Quilts, and Bonnie. Congratulations! Each of our winners won a PDF copy of Witchie Poo's Shoe and also included a PDF copy of my Pie Applique too! I also want to take the time to thank everyone or left sweet comments. I read them all and try to answer them all. If you didn't hear from me, do know I appreciate you stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

Happy quilting,


  1. What a fun coat and love the idea of making my own biscuits. I do make food with leftover meat and veggies, than I add rice, healthier and cheaper than dog food. I finally decided it was time for a new pup and have been spending time with my new guy.


  2. Congratulations to all the winners (thank you) and thank you for hosting. The coat looks great - I use to make my old dog his own biscuits in the day.

  3. Hi Cindy. Wilson looks very handsome in his new coat.

  4. Lucky Wilson! I often make doggie treats for my friends' doggies. We would love to get one but our cat is well into her 17th year. While she is great with grandkids I can't expect her to welcome another pet. My recipe has oats, whole wheat flour, cornmeal, even cheese. I think it would be fun to make both and see which one they prefer. They'd probably gobble them up so fast it would be hard to tell.

  5. Wilson is stylin' in his camo togs! Thank you for the link for the dog treats, I'm definitely going to whipping these up for my Fox. I think I'll make a batch for the SPCA where we rescued her from too! Thank you :D

  6. It's good to see Wilson looking so well and happy. Your boys are definitely lucky with you baking for them! Wilsons new camo blanket reminds me of the Cria Coats I used to make for our baby llamas that needed a little extra TLC. The rule of thumb is usually hands off but occasionally one would be a little early or born during a cold spell and needed some help in regulating its body temp.

  7. Isn't he the cutest? And such a good model too!
