
Saturday, October 4, 2014


As you can see, I'm still working along on my Civil War Diary Quilt. I've been working on this project for years! I read Rosemary's book years ago and fell in love with the quilt but then again I love history. I love quilting and when both are combined, awesome! The block I'm showing you today is called 'Panic'. In this passage Emma writes in her diary about the panic of knowing that the Yankees are only a few miles away...
I found fabrics that matched what Rosemary had in her book pretty closely.
I'm really pleased with the colors...
February 14, 1864

Have a wonderful week! Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

I will be working on 'Confusion and Turmoil' out of Rosemary's book next. Hope that you have a great weekend! I'm hoping to find some time to quilt, maybe set up some of my Halloween decorations out.
Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!


  1. Interesting name for a quilt block. You made a nice version of it. I made a few blocks at one time but did not keep going with it. Still have them though.

  2. I finished tjis quilt last year...took me about a year to piece it, but it turned out beautifully! I sashed mine in cheddar with poison green cornerstones. I lve the colors in your panic block!

  3. These are just beautiful together. I can't imagine a war going on outside my home, either.!
