
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Confusion and Turmoil

As I read along in Rosemary's book, I cannot imagine a war going on just outside my home. Emma writes about the 'confusion' that is brought into her community during the Civil War. She writes about frantically packing anything of value to be moved out of their home while listening to the booming of cannons. That would be enough to rattle anyone's nerves. I can't even imagine it... 
I pulled fabric from my Civil War stash, if you could see all
my fabric you would laugh... I have enough for a couple of these
quilts.  Maybe I should start a Dear Jane quilt too!
I write the fabric colors on the foundation paper and cut my fabric into
triangles and squares to make it easier to paper piece.
Oh my gosh, you should have seen me try to lay this block
out after getting each section done.... I had troubles getting the
flying geese going the right way, but I finally got it!
'Confusion and Turmoil'
February 15, 1864
Have a wonderful week! Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

I will be working on 'Bombardment' out of Rosemary's book next. Hope that you have a great weekend! It's a great weekend to do some quilting... off to the studio I go to have some fun...

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!


  1. Love your Civil War fabrics. This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  2. I"m sure I'll never do a Dear Jane- just can't handle all that tedium. But now this Confusion & Turmoil block is right up my alley! Love it!
