
Monday, July 14, 2014

July's Prize

Quilting in the summer is sometimes a challenge. There's so many distractions, like vacation, baseball, gardening... sometimes the only way that I make it down to my sewing room is a rainy day, or it's so hot outside that there's no way I would go outside. With that in mind, I thought I would need to present an extra special prize this month. It's also a bigger section of the quilt so I thought an awesome prize would help to keep us all motivated. Oh it's an awesome prize! I would like to thank Scott from Studio E for donating this month's prize! A wonderful fat quarter bundle from Henry Glass.

Isn't it pretty! The perfect set of blenders. A total must have for any quilter's stash. Remember to enter the giveaway for this awesome prize, post your pictures of your finished Quilt Doodle BOM 2014 blocks or sections to the Flickr Group, Blogging about the Quilt Doodle BOM 2014 and send me a link for a chance to win this beautiful bundle of fabric. Links to all of the past patterns can be found HERE. It's been fun to see the completed blocks and sections.  Here are some of the pictures that have been posted so far....

Happy Quilting


  1. Oh I don't have any picture to post, I'm just looking at this love love it...would love to win this bundle of fabrics and I would love to start the BOM if it's not too late?

  2. What a great bundle of fabrics! I've been out of town so I need to get busy!

  3. I must've missed the cup block! What month was that one?

    1. This month - you've still got a couple of weeks to get the pattern and make it!

    2. July's block is the mugs section. Here is a link to all of the past patterns....

  4. Loving your QAL. Thanks for a chance to win.

  5. What a lovely quilt/bom. Your steaming cups are wonderful. Thanks for a lovely give-away as well.

  6. What a great prize - I'll definitely be getting my blocks done on time!

  7. I haven't made any of the blocks, but have been saving them (too many grandchildren's baseball and softball games, plus 3 late July and early Aug. birthdays to sew for). Hopefully I can start this fall and get it done by Christmas. Great looking fabrics in the giveaway.

  8. I posted about the BOM -

  9. Cindy, thank you so much for offering this fabulous BOM, I am really enjoying it. I especially loved the Mugs O Love blocks. You can find my post here

  10. I have a question about putting the handle on the cups/mugs - Did you do the blanket stitch even on the small places where the handle attaches to the mug itself? It seems as this would make that part stand out a little more than I think I want it to. Thanks in advance for the help!
