
Monday, January 20, 2014

Quilt Doodle BOM 2013 Day 3

It's the last day of the hop and it has been fun seeing everyone's finished quilt tops. I loved seeing the monthly blocks done in  different fabrics and colors. This was the first time that I organized a BOM and I learned a lot from organizing it. Everyone kept me on top of things, like the monthly postings. I learned that not everyone enjoys paper piecing or applique, but everyone was a good sport and did them anyway. I realize it's hard to work on  a quilt without really knowing what it will look like in the end. You all had to have a little faith that it would be awesome in the end. It does make it hard to pick out fabrics, that's one of the challenges of joining a BOM.  Thank you for trusting me along the way. It's the official end of the 2013 BOM and I'm so happy to see many of you are following along for my new BOM.  If you haven't joined yet, you can jump in at anytime. Click on the BOM 2014 tab at the top of my blog for more information. Let me share with you a couple more BOM 2013 quilt tops....

"Hi everyone! My name is Maureen, I live in Michigan and I've been quilting for about a year and a half now. First I would like to thank Cindy for putting together a fantastic year of blocks! I have learned so much this past year. I'm a self-taught quilter, so everything I have learned has been from wonderful blogs and tutorials like Cindy's. I'm currently working on the 2014 BOM, and am looking forward to another great year of learning.
This quilt was made with "Jovial" by Basic Grey from Moda, and I'm thrilled with how it came out. I wouldn't have considered "black" a Christmas color, but those are some of my favorite blocks. That's what I love about quilting! It gets me totally out of my box!"

Thank you Maureen for sharing your beautiful quilt!
 Love the fabrics that you used.
Cindy (me)
 Let me share with you my quilt top. I haven't quite decided what I will do with mine. I loved working with this fabric line from Marcus Brothers. (Thank you Marcus Brothers for the lovely fabric to work with.) I'm thinking of adding another border around the outside to help frame it up. Then I think I'll be ready to quilt it. Maybe I will finish it up at Quilt Retreat this spring.

I hope that you have had fun hopping around, please remember to leave some sweet comments as you visit the different blogs. We all love to hear from you! Here's the schedule for the hop.... thank you for joining me on this quilting adventure. (Prize winners will be announced tomorrow)

January 18th
January 19th

January 20th


  1. More lovely quilts today - they look so different with fabric and color choice. And many along the parade had such stories and memories to go along with them.

  2. Both quilts are spectacular.I love how the fabric makes them different!!

  3. I've enjoyed seeing the projects on the hop. Thanks for hosting this!

  4. Both quilts are really pretty! Thank you Cindy for hosting this BoM and this blog hop - it has been so fun.

  5. Both tops are very very beautiful, I loved to sew along with you this fantastic BOM. Thank you once Again, dear Cindy, for sharing it with us!!! Take care, Martina

  6. What I love about Maureen's quilt is that the red sashing just pulls everything together so well.

    Good luck deciding how to quilt your quilt. That was the hardest part for me as well. I really did like adding the extra border to mine. Thanks again, Cindy, for leading us in this BOM. I already can't wait to see what happens in the 2014 BOM. I know it is going to be awesome and fun!

  7. It's amazing how the same blocks can look so different. They are both very beautiful!

  8. Maureen and Cindy. your quilts are lovely. The sashing and border of this pattern give space and interest to the blocks.The variety of fabric choices has been fun to follow.
    Happy hopping

  9. The touch of black in some of Maureen's block really work. I never think of that. These quilts are wonderful, I enjoyed seeing all of them on the parade.
