
Thursday, December 26, 2013

BOM 2014

I had so much fun organizing last years block of the month club....that I decided to do it again! Wanting to be able to include all quilting levels I have decided it will be based on 2 1/2' squares and strips. This quilt will consist of 10 blocks, sections or strips, one a month. There is no paper piecing in this quilt, but there will be a little bit of machine applique and a tiny little bit of embroidery.  I will have a tutorial with the pattern included each month.  The monthly patterns will be FREE during the month that they are announced, after that they will be available for a small fee. In November we will piece the sections together and December will be saved for putting on borders and finishing touches.

Now here is the part that drives me crazy, in a fun way! Choosing fabrics..... everyone has their favorites.... have fun choosing fabrics!  But I will tell you, tone on tone fabrics will be best in this quilt.  You will be creating a 'scene' in this quilt, it's super duper cute! The 'Logo' on the top of the post is a huge clue! I will be using... fabric from Studio E's Silly Chilly Snowmates, Tried and True and Jingle All The Way from Bernatex, Hoffman Bali Handpaints, and bits and pieces from my fabric stash...

Finished size will be 70" x 84" (Twin Size)
Yardage.... this is an estimate with extra added in...

4 yards background (I am splitting this up between two blues)
1 yard white/cream
1/4 yard gold
1/4 yard dark green
fat quarter of 2 different medium greens
1/4 yard red
1/3 yard black or dark gray
fat quarter medium gray
fat quarter brown
fat quarter orange
fat eighth yellow
heat n bond
dark brown or black thread for machine applique
black DMC thread or pearl cotton
border #1- 1 yard
border #2- 1 1/2 yards
backing - 6 yards
binding - 3/4 yards for 2 1/2" binding

There's a flicker group!  Please join...Every month post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win that month's prize! Woot woot!

Don't forget to grab the button too and post on your blog! The more the merrier!

The first block pattern will be posted on January 1st!  The give-away for the January block will be announced on January 15th and a winner will be picked on the 31st....

Happy New Year!
Happy quilting!


  1. Cindy this sounds like great fun. 2 1/2 is my most favorite size piece to work with. Didn't participate last year, glad to have another go at a BOM.

  2. I am so excited to join you for this BOM quilt. I love tone on tone fabrics. I was late to the party in 2013, so I can't wait to start in January with you. Hope you had a beautiful Christmas and may 2014 be filled with many blessings.

  3. I am going to mark each month of my calendar so I remember! Now off to gather fabrics.

  4. Merry Christmas Cindy this sounds like fun and I hope to join in.....looking forward to it...

  5. I'm in. Looked forward to the first of the month all through 2013.
    Thanks for putting this together.

  6. I've never done a BOM...I'd love to get in on it!

  7. me encantaria participar en este BOM quit, es la primera vez que lo hago a tan larga distancia,,gracias...¡¡¡¡

  8. Hola, me encantaria participar en este BOM qulit mensual, es la primera vez que lo hago a tanta distacia, espero oder seguirlo,

  9. Replies
    1. I am using medium to dark blues, but a lighter blue would work too.

  10. I am using a combination of medium and dark blues, light blue would work too.

  11. This is my first visit to your site and the first thing I noticed was your top logo - so cute. I think I may have to jump in on this quilt, even though applique isn't my thing.

  12. Last year was fun and hope to join this one.Can I use charm pack?

  13. Looking forward to doing this one. First time here and like what I see. You are quite talented!

  14. Your BOM sounds like fun, I have the fabric, I enjoy the 2 1/2 square, what's not to love? I'm gonna get started!

  15. Aún estoy a tiempo de participar????Espero que si.
    mi mail:
    Muchas gracias,Blanca

  16. It looks like it's going to be a winter themed quilt. Am I thinking correctly? Or would that give to much away if you answer that?

  17. I have never joined a BOM online, sounds like fun and nice to try something new, the button is so cute, as is the header of this BOM! I thing I'd like to give this a go!
    Thanks! Brenda

  18. Enjoyed 2013's party. I'm in for 2014

  19. Am I too late to the party?
    Would love to join.

  20. A little late, but joining in too!

  21. I enjoyed last year's BoM and will be doing this year's, even though I probably shouldn't! I'm intrigued by creating a "scene".

  22. I'm definitely going to collect the clues. But is the fabric needed the only thing for January or did I miss something?
    Thanks, Debbie

  23. I would love to do this but cann"t find where to download the instructions. Could you please help.
    Thanks, Debbie

  24. Happy to join.... I am already in a number of BOM's but this is so fantastic and your last party looks so great, can't stand the thought of missing it, I can't wait to start, going out today to get my material! Thank you so much for doing this and being so creative.

  25. Looks like lots of fun, are there cutting directions somewhere on the site or do we just use directions under the photos, and the nose pattern does not want to download - do I need a Google account to get it ? First time to your site.

  26. I would love to join in on the fun! Kim at sent me here. I'm so glad she did. I, too, would like to know how to sign up and to receive the pattern. Thank you!

  27. Desde España pregunto ¿ demasiado tarde para apuntarme? Me encantaría participar y hacer nuevas amigas amantes del patchwork. Gracias. No sé inglés. Mi correo:

  28. Hola espero no quedar fuera por apuntarme hoy, suena interesante, mi correo es thank you

  29. Hola, qué emoción!

  30. Acabo de conocer tu BOM y ¿Sería demasiado tarde para participar?.Mi correo es:

  31. I have made Jan and Feb blocks and love them. I would like to post on flickr but can't seem to navigate the upload. Never did it before now. Learning all the time.

  32. Hi
    Have made the Jan and Feb blocks and love them. I am trying to put them on flickr but can't seem to upload them. Stuck.
