
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May's Giveaway!

Keep posting those May blocks to the Flickr Group! Seeing everyone's progress on the quilt is so much fun.  Five blocks done so far, we are almost halfway!  I have a wonderful giveaway for this month's block. Remember you need to post your block to the flickr group for a chance to win! I will be picking a winner on June 1st!

Craftsy  has donated a generous prize, a class of your choice!   Wouldn't that be fun, take a new class and learn a new quilting skill! They have fantastic classes and instructors! Take some time and check out the class list! What class would you take if you won?
Keep posting those pictures for a chance to win! Winner will be announced on June 1st. You have until then to post your finished blocks.

Happy Quilting,

Here are some of the awesome 'Spool' blocks that have been posted so far!

Sewing SpoolsMayBlock 2013Block #50508124252Spools mayMay Quilt Doodle BOM 2013P1010162 (2)imageBOM5May BOM 2013 Mama's SpoolsDSCN4742Spool BlockMay 2013 May block

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