
Sunday, January 13, 2013

BOM January giveaway

It's been so much fun to see everyone's January blocks so far! Love it!
Remember to post your finished blocks to the flickr group for the January giveaway! I hope that you have a chance to check out everyone's blocks. They are all fabulous!

For the January giveaway I will be giving away some fabric to add to your stash.
Some nice neutral colors.... a fat quarter and half yard cut... winner will be announced on February 1st. So you have until then to post your block.
Just post your Quilt Doodle BOM January blocks to the
flickr group for a chance to win.
Remember when you post questions, please make sure that you leave me an email address if you are a no-reply blogger so that I can answer your questions. If you want to be added to the reminder email list; please email me your email address.  I send out an email when the new block and tutorial are out each month.
Here's a sneak peek at February's block....
Happy quilting,


  1. Oh dear, I haven't even made January's block and you're tempting me with February's! =) Thanks for hosting Cindy.

  2. Sounds like a fun give away!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

  3. Sono in ritardo ma mi piacerebbe partecipare...
    grazie il blocco di gennaio รจ bellissimo.

  4. I'm so exited, can't wait to continue your fantastic BOM! Have a great day, Martina
