
Friday, October 19, 2012

International Quilt Market!!!


I've packed up and sent off my Spring samples and pattern covers off to my friends at Pattern Peddlers. Penel is off to the International Quilt Market in Houston, Texas!  If you have the chance to go as an exhibitor or as a buyer I hope that you take the time to say 'Hi' to Penel! (and Rollie too) She is fantastic and does such a wonderful job marketing Quilt Doodle Designs and many other designers. Penel can be found in booths 314, 316 and 318.  The theme this market is 'Meet the Designers'. Take time to read some bios and marvel at the wonderful items they have to offer. Penel will be happy to help you place an order for some new patterns for your quilt shop. Pattern Peddlers represents a ton of talented quilt designers, one stop shopping for your quilt shop!

Pattern Peddlers Spring Market Booth

Rollie and Penel at the Spring Market 2012
I hope that you have a chance to check out the NEW designs from Quilt Doodle Designs too while you're there. I am very excited about the NEW items! They are so much fun to make!

Happy quilting!