
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Find My Fabric!

Fabric Search Engine

I have been asked to review Find My Fabric... I found this on the companies blog....

" Find My Fabric is an online search engine that will help you find fabric, quilting, and sewing supplies from hundreds of online stores. Along with a general keyword search, the system also allows you to find fabric from a picture that you've taken. No more need to run around to the dozen quilt shops in your area to see if they have any of that fabric left in order to finish your project! Just snap a picture of it and find it (or something similar) online." 

Well, sounds too good to be true doesn't it! How many times have you started a project and found you don't have enough fabric.  Or you're cutting away only to find, you've mis-cut.... yikes!!!  Or... you've made a fantastic quilt and have a request to make another one just like it..... I've have had all of these things happen.  I've spent countless hours searching for fabric. So when asked to try this out , I was instantly hooked to give it a try....

 This is what the Search page looks like.... what to do..... it took me a minute or two to figure it out.  So here's what you do.... in the search box (the white box with the magnifying glass) you can type words to search what you are looking for.  For example, I typed in 'Jingle all the way'  and got all sorts of results on Nancy Halvorson's fabric line and where it can be found. Then I typed in 'snowflake' (I love snowflake fabric) then I got a great listing of tons of snowflake fabric! Plus a fun listing of other snowflake items like quilt hangers and quilt designs. Pretty cool! Then I refined my search to 'blue snowflake fabric'.... woo hoo! I found all sorts of blue snowflake fabrics that I loved!  Plus one more suprise...... one of my patterns!

Well, that's not the only way you can search your fabric... you click on the 'camera' and you can search with a picture/jpeg of your fabric. This was neat too! I tried out searching with a couple fabrics with pictures I had on file just to try it.  Sometimes it found my fabric, sometimes not.  But one thing I really liked was it found all sorts of fabrics that matched!  Same color etc. Love that!

I think that Find My Fabric could be a useful tool for a fabric search! Give it a try and see what you think. 

 I like Find My Fabric and have bookmarked it on my computer for future use. I am always looking for same or similar fabric, this may save me some time.

Happy quilting!
Psssst.....I do need to tell you that I have been asked to review this site and I am getting compensated for my review. I'm letting you know what my opinion is..... happy searching!


  1. Wow, thanks for the heads up. It is a killer when you near the completion and realize you do not have enough of a certain print. Great idea for a web site...only wish I had thought of it first;-)

    blessings, jill
    found you through dear Amy at a quilting sheep

  2. Thanks for the link...looks like a great site!
