
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dots on Dots! My Turn!

Dot on Dots Blog Hop has been so much fun so far!   A huge Thank you to Madame Samm for another awesome hop and to Connie at Quilt Taffy!  I have to admit, I'm a dot-o-phobic... sorta scared to buy dot fabric, use dot fabric.  I know that's crazy because there are tons of fabulous fabric out there to use!  So this was a good challenge to help me get over my dot fear.  So I dug around in my fabric and found a fabulous collection of scraps that I actually bought on Etsy, there were some wonderful dot fabrics included.  I've been saving this fabric to make a quilt.... so I came up with this fun quilt square which is quick and easy to put together.  I hope that you enjoy my block.... which turned into a quilt.  The pattern for my quilt can be found on Etsy and Craftsy.... I have called it 'Laundry Day'.... the colors are fresh and bright, like clean laundry hanging on the clothes line.

Here is one of my blocks for my quilt.... it measures 12 1/2" (this includes seam allowance) I really like the green dot fabric.
Then there is this block with the blue dot fabric.... love this one too!
"What..... why can't I lay  down here?"
Here is a section of my "Laundry Day" quilt with my Dot blocks...
Here is 'Laundry Day' laided out on my kitchen table, all ready to be pinned for quilting....

Lime green with white dots...... I had so much fun free motion quilting!

A funky flower dot.....

More lime green....

A fun lime green and pink dot fabric!

Well, as a recovering Dot-a-phobic.... I quilted 'dots' too!  It was a lot of fun to do.

The finished quilt!
'Laundry Day'
44" x 56"
So as a fun giveaway, I will be giving away a PDF copy of my  'Laundry Day' pattern to two lucky winners.  Leave me a comment about if you have any quilt-phobias.... for a second chance to win, follow me too.  (For a third chance to win.... tweet about it)  Wilson and I will draw the lucky winners on September 21st.
Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy the hop!  I get to share today with these talented quilters!
It's Sew Kiki
A complete list of bloggers can be found HERE
'Laundry Day' can be found HERE and HERE
Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you! 


  1. Love your Quilt; I can't or am afraid of dot quilting but looks so nice

  2. Before I saw you were having a give away I had already decided I needed this pattern! It is amazing and love you colour choice. This one has really inspired me, we'll wait and see if I win the pattern...

  3. A lovely dotty quilt! Pinwheels and dots - very happy! Hmm - I really shudder at working with the color orange - like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  4. Love your quilt! I try to stay away from HST's. I think I have found the solution, cut the squares bigger, then trim!

  5. I am also a follower. Thank you for sharing and the great giveaway.

  6. I love your Laundry Day, pinwheels and dots are a great combination! Thanks for showing your laundry *wink*

  7. That is a completed quilt! I love the vibrant and fun fabrics! How did you get the centres so neat! It looks amazing!

  8. Love all your fabulous dot fabrics, completed quilt, and awesome quilting...especially the dot quilting :)

  9. I love this all the wonderful colours go nicely together. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love the green/white dot fabric!
    I have a phobia about FMQ! - and I know it's just practice but mine never looks good!

  11. Laundry day is great! I am still scared of machine quilting. I have started practicing...maybe someday I will try for real.

  12. I love your quilt, the colours are so vibrant. My phobia is FMQ. When I first started it was OK and I enjoyed it but as I do more my phobia gets worse. Must do more practice to overcome the problem.

  13. Love the little pinwheels and the colors are perfect. What a cute pattern.

  14. Laundry day is a great quilt. I love the small pinwheels and the colors are yummy. My phobia is FMQ, but it is going better after each practice.
    Thanks for sharing your quilt

  15. Pinwheels are always fun but more fun when done in dots!

  16. mmmm a dot a phobic...can't say I ever met anyone who fits this bill tillllll this morning...
    a lovely dot collection... not sure why you called it laundry day...must of gone over my head here...but it looked like spinning dots to Please share with me how you came up with the name....It's early, what can I However most deserving of something this morning..go and see at well you know lol

    1. Ok, I get it, laundry on the line, ok....wink..

  17. I really like that pattern It is always so pretty.

  18. Wow...beautiful quilt and great use of dots! Would love to make one, too.

  19. Love your Laundry Day quilt. I seem to have a phobia about applique - love the look of it, but can't seem to do it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. I'm a follower too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Amazing collection of dots for a phobic. Great job, Love the lime green block the best. The quilt is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  22. nice blocks and I like your blog header.

  23. Your quilt is the pattern! My phobia is always squaring up a it square at the corners...can I make it square...have I cut off too much? You get the drift... thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Beautiful -- I am traveling this bloggy path for inspiration, I am a new quilter (so new that I have several things in process and nothing truly done yet!) -- my phobias run the whole range from cutting to binding, but my biggest phobia involves the final quilting!

  25. Love your dotty quilt and the pattern would be wonderful to have. A phobia - probably because I must cut threads as I go - can't stand seeing a tangling thread on my work. Judy C

  26. what a darling quilt! My biggest quilt phobia is free motion quilting. I need to take a class and just get over it!

  27. "Laundry Day" is adorable. I can almost smell that freshness hanging on the line. I love your quilting-pebbles and feathers-it is perfect.

  28. Okay, this is a rediculous phobia I am sure.. but making that first cut into the beautiful fabric.. I am so sure I am going to mess it up. I just love the fabric so, and don't have lots and lots, so I'm afraid to USE it.

  29. beautiful all those pinwhell, great quilt. thank's for sharing and the chance to win

  30. Nice project, glad you shared...a phobia I have is papper piecing tho I love the finished blocks and once I start on, I usually can get it if I go slow!

  31. I'm scared to try applique, but I'm a Dresden block and did not know that they needed to be appliqued on, so I guess I will be overcoming a phobia this week too!

  32. I have a real problem breaking into a precut bundle. I guess I am worried that my project is not the ideal one for that group of fabric. I find it so much easier to work with scraps (maybe because they are "disposable").

  33. Tweeted the giveaway, too.

  34. I don't like directional fabrics! I can't get them going the way I want them to go ...or straight either for that matter! Yuk! I'm glad you got over your phobia on dots because this is so cute! I love it!

  35. Your quilt is so pretty. It would make a great quilt for a little girl. Thanks for sharing

  36. What a fantastic quilt, and the quilting is to die for! I always get a twinge of fear when I start cutting fabric or when I start top quilting everything together. It feels like the point of no return, but once I get started it just becomes fun. :)

  37. Your dotts pinwheel quilt is spectacular.My phobia is sew curves,I run when I see curves!!

  38. What a beautiful quilt and the dotty pinwheels are perfect! Thanks for sharing!

  39. I love all the color combinations in your quilt and your quilting just looks so nice on it. Great job! Thanks for hopping with us. :O)

  40. Dots and pinwheels...wonderful combination! I over came my phobia when I made my Mariner's Compass...all those points and curves! I still shy away from sewing curves though.

  41. Your quilt is really beautiful and the quilting is fantastic. I loved the colors you used, especially the green dotted.

  42. Love those fun summer colors!! Your quilt is beautiful!!

  43. Adorable! I just love the colors!

  44. Really great quilt job. Perfect colors and everything! Lately I have resisted any free-motion quilting...there is always some problem that comes up, like breaking thread, etc.

  45. Hi Cindy, I love the Laundry Day block. My phobia about quilting is applique. I bought your Wilson pattern and had a go with that on Treacle's quilt and it turned out okay but not as good as some of the ladies whose blogs I read. I know practice makes perfect. Thanks for sharing and the Giveaway. Susie x

  46. A very pretty block! I resist using batiks. I have some in my stash, and I see some lovely quilts made from them, but they scare me!

  47. What a fun quilt. Very pretty. Please do not enter me, as I really don't have the time to make much of anything these days. I have become a "sandwich" person. (taking care of grandkid, kids and my Mom)

  48. Point-o-phobic....

  49. What a beautiful quilt! Great job! Like others, I'm afraid of cutting into that beautiful fabric for the first time. I tend to "save it for the perfect quilt"!

  50. I am HOPPING.. What a cute quilt.. why do animals have to sit on what we are doing, My little do sits on my sewing machine if it gets to late.. LOL ,.Hope to see you tomorrow on my Dots to Dots Blog Day..

  51. Super Sweet quilt & it's a great size too. You did your dots proud.

  52. What a neat quilt. Pets are quality control for our work. If they snuggle, we're doing great!

  53. Love your quilt. It is such a cute pattern and the dots are adorable.

  54. Your quilt is so pretty and those fabrics are so cheerful. It is a great pattern. I do have some quilt phobias. I have been avoiding working with triangles and Y seams. I know there are special rulers now that will help so I am thinking about trying some harder (for me) quilts.

  55. I always love to visit. Lovely quilt and the blocks are dotty sweet. Thanks for sharing...Judith, Texas

  56. That is a gorgeou, fresh looking quilt. I also love the "dot" quilting that you did on it. That circular quilting is my phobia!!! I have tried to do it so many times and my circles are just dreadful.

  57. Love your quilt. Thanks for the giveaway! I shy away from applique.

  58. WOW!! I'll say you got over your phobia! Laundry Day is good, clean fun and so fresh too! Congratulations!!
    My phobia, curves and circles. Not too sure how to tackle those just yet. ;)
    Thank you for the chance.

  59. I am quite afraid of Free Motion Quiling as a whole!

    Love your work! This quilt is adorable!


  60. I am a new follower :)


  61. Love your quilt, and all the soft colours. My phobia is machine quilting. Haven't tried much of it yet, and I don't know if I really want to, but someday all my tops need to get finished into

  62. Laundry Day is a perfect name for this quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  63. What a great quilt for your dots! The pattern is perfect :o) My phobia is curved piecing. I know I can't hand applique so the only way I'll ever get curves in a quilt is to piece them. Haven't even gone there yet. Eesh.

  64. Annie, Oakleigh and I are followers of you and Wilson too!

  65. What a beautiful quilt! The fabrics are gorgeous. Quilt phobia's? Binding. Definitely binding.

  66. lovely dots! Thanks for sharing :)

  67. Hey sister.. :) I love this quilt? Did I mention how much I LOVE this quilt?!?

  68. Hi!!! Love your blocks and your quilt!!!! It does look so fresh!!!!

  69. I love pinwheels - especially those in lime green dots!!!! Fingers crossed to win the pattern! Thanks for the chance :)

  70. Sew pretty! Great design & fabric choice. Congrats on being one of the chosen.
    My phobia....hhhmmm, learning to do any quilting other than stitch in the ditch....

  71. Love the dotty top. quilt phobia is using my sewing machine, I do it by hand

  72. Adorable quilt! I'm too new to quilting to have any phobias (yet...LOL)! TFS

  73. Love your quilt! I guess my phobia would be trying new things. LOL.

  74. I am a very happy follower via GFC as Lisa Cox

  75. You just can't go wrong with them.

  76. Quilt phobias eh.... I don't think I have any. I love trying new ideas, designs and fabrics. I guess my one phobia would be if someone critiqued the mistakes I make. Because I often cut off points and make my blocks a little bit unsquare, or things like that, but I still like how things turn out.

  77. I am a happy follower and always enjoy Wilson's adventures in the quilt room! Your quilt is bright and clean looking, just like we want laundry to be, you are right! I'd love to own your pattern. Thanks for the generosity.

  78. I love your quilt. It reminds me of my grandmother's quilts with all the white. Beautiful

  79. Your quilting is a perfect accent to your beautiful quilt. Please don't enter me in the drawing as I have a back up of UFO's longer than both of my arms...yikes!


  80. fun pattern, and love it made with all the dots. I don't even know how to tweet so I will skip that comment. LOL

  81. Your Laundry Day quilt is great! I love the name and the dot quilting. My phobia would be FMQ. I don't want to 'ruin' the quilt with crappy quilting.

  82. I'm a follower :-)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  83. I have 2 phobias, FMQ and paper piecing. I keep trying, but the results don't seem to improve.

  84. I'm a follower. Thank you for offering the beautiful pattern as a giveaway.

  85. it's too badd you can't see our facial expressions as we ooh and aah over your work! I love your quilt and pinwheels are always a favorite!

  86. I am a follower and I am slightly afraid of dresdens and hexagons- I *was afraid of Paper piecing until I mastered (insert dramatic music) the BOWLS

  87. I tweeted.

  88. I am scared to machine quilt with my home machine. I am trying to conquer thar fear.

  89. I'd say the actual quilting is a little hard for me tackling it on my machine. I signed up for a Craftsy class to help me with that...but my internet is too slow to do it at home. So that's my phobia!

  90. My phobia would be machine quilting too , it seems so overwhelming to me ,I can conquer a small project but a quilt is impossible . Your quilt is just beautiful .

  91. Great quilt, all the beautiful polka dot fabrics! Thanks for being part of the hot.

  92. My quilting phobia is free motion quilting...I've only done straight lines so far, so the free motion is a bit itimidating

  93. I tweeted about your post and giveaway

  94. Love all your lovely colored dotty pinwheels. Wonderful!

  95. Rosemary B here:
    The most beautiful quilt everrrr!
    well.... my quilting phobia is actually making a quilt. I have not made one quilt. Just little frippy things, placemats, mug rugs a wall hanging but no huge collection of amazing blocks all put together.
    I do not know if I can do that...
    Your blog is wonderful, love the header and I am gonna follow you now.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity. You are an inspriation

    1. Oh and Wilson... very very very nice helper.
      handsome too :-)

  96. How fun! I love the quilt. :-) My quilt-phobia is probably comfortably working with scrappy quilts. I always try to organize and control everything. Oh, wait a minute. I guess that extends well past quilting; but of course that is a different subject. :-)

  97. I am terrified of paper piecing! awolk at rogers dot com

  98. Cindy, pin wheels and polka dots are perfect together. Your quilt is beautiful and it's a bonus to have a finished project. Great job!! My quilt-phobia is organizing my stash....scares me to death. Thanks for sharing!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  99. I would love a chance to win a pdf copy of this fabulous quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.
    I am a follower.

  100. Cindy-Your Laundry Day Quilt with the different fabrics reminds me of quilts I saw in an exhibit many years ago that were made from house dresses of black women from the South that was exhibited at the San Francisco International Airport. I know this sounds crazy but the airport has two museums, an aviation one and a traditional one. My husband used to travel quite a bit for work and when my children were young, we would sometimes meet him when he arrived home from a business trip. I would always plan to get there early and view the exhibits. I also recall seeing an exhibit displaying teapots. If your curious, check out: Thanks for sharing.

  101. I LOVE your quilt, It's beautiful. Congrats on getting honorable mention :)

  102. Love your pattern. Beautiful quilt. Thanks for the cahcne to win.

  103. Tweeted -

  104. Yum, my coffee has tasted quite good, sipping it while I've been reading about your dot phobia. Mine would be cutting into and using fabrics that I really, really love. So they just sit on the shelf. Silly, I know. Kinda like not using the good dishes for fear they'll get chipped or something. Ah, these silly brains of ours.

  105. Just a new follower! Love your patterns and your Etsy shop - the holidays are my favorite.

  106. Tweeted about your giveaway over at MtnQuiltworks: Tried to edit it to include your name, but guess I can't edit. Still learning....

  107. Love your Laundry Day quilt with all of the dotty fabrics. Dots are sure a lot of fun.

  108. Dots are fun. They can be juvenile or grownup, are always colorful, fresh and happy. I am still leery of applique, even after half a lifetime of quilting.

  109. My biggest quilting phobia is putting on the borders. I usually do okay on them but I always put it off as long as possible. I am a follower.
    Your Laundry Day pattern is so cute.

  110. So far I haven't had any phobias about quilting. Your quilt is beautiful with the dots.

  111. Your quilt is adorable. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  112. My phobia is quilting dots, or circles, or anything round. I love your quilt though. If I win the pattern, I will even try to quilt dots.

  113. Absolutely beautiful, Cindy! I wish my "laundry days" were this gorgeous. ;o)

    Thanks so much for sharing and being a part of the hop!

  114. Your Laundry Day quilt is so pretty with all the different fabrics. Thanks for sharing.

  115. Thanks for sharing this great giveaway! Your "laundry days" is very nice and I would enjoy making it.

    Thanks again for a fun giveaway!

  116. Beautiful quilt and lovely quilting!!! Thanks for sharing.

  117. The quilt is dynamite and I love the patern!

  118. LOVE your Quilt! Excited for chance to win your pattern! :)

    My Quilt Phobia? (ONLY one choice?? lol) Main Phobia HAS to be...Free Motion Quilting! Soooo petrified to try it! Arrrrrrgh!

  119. My phobia is paper piecing - just terrifying!!! Love your quilt pattern - thank you for the chance to win!!

  120. My main phobia is free motion quilting, followed closely by matching points. I would love to win one of your patterns.

  121. My phobias are marking quilts (what if the marks don't come out?) and washing quilts (what if the colors run?). Lovely laundry day quilt!

  122. deliberate coping strips? Love your modern twist on a traditional quilting device!!
    My phobia is connecting the binding strip ends--oh, I never cease to screw it up!

  123. I love your laundry day quilt - so bright and cheerful! blessings, marlene

  124. Pretty quilt! I haven't used any dots fabric but it looks like a great choice of fabric! ;)

    My greatest phobia - cutting into the beautiful Japanese fabrics I've been collecting. What if I cut wrong and then don't have enough for a quilt? So instead it's been sitting downstairs until I have some added experience and confidence.

  125. Lovely quilt and I adore your quilting buddy!!
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  126. What a great quilt!! I love those pinwheels. Your dog looks great sitting on the quilt like he is doing nothing wrong, HA HA!

  127. Very colorful "Laundry Day," and a great looking quilt!
    I'm a follower.
    Thanks for joining in the fun this time, too!
