
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Mondays With Marcus- Big Apple Edition!


Little Italy
It was a thrill to go to New York City and visit my Marcus Fabrics family and see behind the scenes all of the people that bring my fabric ideas to life. It was exciting to meet with everyone, make some memories, and do some brainstorming for upcoming Quilt Doodle fabric lines and go thru the Marchives (Marcus Fabrics Archives) and dream of some future quilts. Tracy, Lora Lisa and I enjoyed hanging out together and visiting. It was such a pleasure to talk in person instead of over a zoom call. Since Covid I have missed going to Quilt Market and the opportunity to meet in person with Pati, Monika and Kristen. I really have missed the collaboration with fellow designers. This trip was wonderful and was uplifting in so many ways. Our Marcus Family were wonderful hosts and it's always a pleasure to work with them! Thank you, Pati, Monika and Kristen! It was awesome to see the behind the scenes at the Marcus office and meet everyone that makes my ideas into beautiful fabric.

Going thru the Marchives
For me, I've dreamed of returning to NYC for years, I was once a New Yorker, my family moved to Orange County to the town of Warwick. We drove from Houston Texas to Warwick leaving on New Year's Day 1969. We arrived in New York state during a Nor'easter. I had never seen snow before, every time my dad would turn on the windshield wipers my two-year-old sister, Stef would let out a blood curdling scream. It was a long drive... I was seven years old. My parents first stop was to Gimbles Department store to buy, boots, coats, mittens, hats, gloves, the whole works! We then settle into a motel in town. It would be our home for three months while our new home was being built.

Anne and Sal
 One of my fondest memories is the day my dad and I built a snowman in the front of the hotel. This is where I get my inspiration for my project, my first snowman. We built it on top of the plowed snow bank from the street on the edge of the parking lot. My snowman greeted everyone who passed by! 

I also have many fond memories of New York and New York City. When we moved into our new home we were greeted by our new neighbors, Anne and Sal, an Italian couple who moved to the suburbs to retire. They introduced us to homemade Italian food and soon became our adopted grandparents. We fondly call them Nana and Uncle Sal. I remember Uncle Sal surprised us Christmas Eve playing Santa Clause, of course I knew it was Uncle Sal and we loved that he stopped by to bring some Christmas cheer! 
Anne and Sal also invited us to a trip to Little Italy in New York City. I remember that they were looking for drapery material to make curtains for their home. So, when I had a chance to see Little Italy again, I was thrilled! It was what I remembered it to be. 
While visiting New York I made sure to have all my favorite Italian foods. Growing up in New York there were countless field trips to the city. Radio City Music Hall, Times Square, New York Stock Exchange, Metropolitain Musuem of Art and Empire State Building. I remember the street venders and the NY pretzel, and Italian Ice. I remember seeing the Twin Towers being built, seeing them from a bus window as we drove to and from our field trips. Visiting the 911 memorial was on top of my list of places to visit. I had a child's memory of
Stef and I with one of our many snowmen.
the city. I was nervous and excited to go to New York City. For me, when I arrived it felt like home. It brought back memories of my childhood. I took an extra day to explore the city and was able to go to the 911 memorial and museum. It's a must see if you go to NYC. Hubby and I walked everywhere, we had Italian ices, took a ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty. Ate some NY pretzels and ended our night with a pizza. Even though my family moved away when I was 15, I will always be a New Yorker at heart. New Year's Eve isn't complete without the ball dropping and
Kristen and Pati
hearing Frank Sinatra sing 'New York, New York'. 

Now, back to my project for this week's Mondays with Marcus. I have a table runner featuring my Snowfolks strip it fabric and Marcus Fabrics  Lanacot wool. The table runner has a sweet snowman peeking over the edge on one side. The Strip It fabric makes it easy to make a scrappy coordinating table runner without having to search for all the fabric to make it scrappy. Let me show you how I put this wintery themed project together. First, you'll have to go over to my website and download the free PDF pattern. It can be found HERE.
~ New York Snowman ~

Following the directions on the pattern, cut 3 4 1/2" x WOF strips.

Then fussy cut the strips into 8 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" squares. You will have a total of 24 squares. Then cut 3- 4" x WOF strips from the strip it fabric. Then fussy cut the strips into 4" squares from each fabric pattern in the strip. Then sub cut the squares into 4- 2" squares from each.

Pair the 4" squares with the 2" squares. Alternating light and dark fabrics. There will be 4 2" squares for each 4" square. 

Put a 2" square on the corner of 4" square with right sides together. Sew the corner square diagonally from corner to corner. Repeat on all remaining corners.

Trim the excess fabric to 1/4" from the stitching line to form a 1/4" seam. Press. Make a total of 24 snowball blocks.

Lay the blocks out to form a three by eight block strip making sure to dispurse the fabrics evenly across the table runner top. Sew the snowball blocks together with a 1/4" seam and press.

Trace out the snowman shapes onto the paper side of the fusible interfacing. Press onto the wrong side of the fabric squares (gold- star, red – hat, orange – carrot nose, and white- snowman face) 

Cut out the shapes, peel off the paper backing and place the shapes fusible side down on the right side of scrappy snowball pieced rectangle. Some of the shapes will overlap. Press shapes in place following the fusible manufacturer’s directions.  The bottom part of the snowman face will line up with the edge of the scrappy snowball rectangle.

Stitch around the raw edges of the applique using either a straight stitch or buttonhole stitch.

I color matched the thread for stitching around the wool shapes.

Following the directions, you'll add the navy-blue border and then make a quilt sandwich. (Layer the table runner with the backing and batting) Then quilt as desired! Then I square the table runner up and add the binding. Before you know it, you'll have a New York Snowman table runner. All ready for gift giving or to adorn your home this winter. The FREE pattern can be found. 

At this same link you can find a printed version of the PDF pattern for a small fee along with color coordinated kits featuring my Snowfolks Strip-It fabric for purchase.

I hope that you enjoy my New York Snowman and hearing about my New York City adventures. I will go back in a second!

Happy Quilting!
Cindy & Josephine


  1. I know the "New York" feeling. I didn't live there but have been going there on vacation since my Mom took me to the New York World's Fair in 1964. We go for the weekend, see 3 plays, eat everyting in sight take the ferry back and forth and come home with new memories. I get it. Thanks for sharing this, wonderful!

  2. I used to travel to NYC all the time, first to the Port Authority, and later to the Twin Towers. NYC shopping, museums, took my sons to see the dinosaurs at the natural history museum ALL the time! In those days, we didn't have to come out from the time we got on in New Jersey until we got back off again there, because we had an entrance in the subway. Those were great experiences for all of us. I wouldn't want to live there, but there's no place better to visit! Thanks for the table runner pattern.
