
Friday, January 21, 2022

Snowmen Love!

I Love snowmen!

It's that time of year that love is in the air.... so, I put out this sweet design out in my kitchen. I think it's perfect for this time of year! Now that all of my Christmas decorations are tucked away it's time to decorate for Valentine's Day. Let me show you how I made it....

Here I have all my pieces layered onto my towel and ironed down.

Typically, I use brown thread to applique around everything, but I wanted a softer look for my Valentine design. I matched up my fabric colors and used white, blue, and red thread. I did have a bit of trouble stitching around the snowman, I'm still getting used to my new machine.

I used a black pearl cotton for stitching the snowman details. To make the trucks tires I used my 30 mm yo-yo maker. One of my most used notions in my sewing room.
~Spreading the Love Snowman~
I just love how my little Valentine loving snowman turned out. He looks very sweet in my kitchen and just brings a smile to my face. This pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop as an instant PDF download. It's a great way to use up some of your fabric pieces and when finished makes an adorable gift for someone you love.

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to do some stitching. 

Happy Quilting,

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