
Thursday, June 10, 2021


 It's been hotter than Hades here lately, we're not used to this kind of heat in June. This is more like mid July- August weather. I have been spending a lot of time inside, only to venture out to water the plants and flowerpots. I'm babying my little veggie starts and so far I've only lost one whimpy tomato plant. While trying to keep cool in the house I worked on a chilly little snowman mug rug. It's quick, it's cute.... perfect if you want to get a jump on some Christmas stocking stuffers. I used fabric from my fabric scraps, there's some Tula, some Hoffman, some Marcus fabrics and some fabrics that I couldn't identify. I know that you can find just the perfect fabric to make your very own Snowflake Mug Rug, we all have our collection of fabrics in our sewing rooms! So here's how I made mine....

The pattern can be found in my Etsy Shop and also on the Quilt Doodle Website. It's available as a PDF download. So dig thru your stash and find the fabrics and colors you would like to use and print up the pattern. 

Then trace all the pieces onto the paper side of your fusible web. 

I like to group together shapes with the same fabric. Then following the manufacturer's directions iron onto the back side of the fabric and cut the shapes out. Remember we trace everything in reverse.

After you get everything cut out, peel off the paper backing and lay in place following the layout page of the pattern.

After I have everything fused in place I layer the backing, batting and mug rug top together to make a quilt sandwich.  I like to do my buttonhole stitching thru all three layers because then I quilt it all at the same time. I used white thread to stitch around the snowman's head and the snowflake. I used a dark brown to stitch around everything else. After I did all of my applique I then quilted the background with a lazy wavy stitch to look like 'wind'. At this point I would then square up my mug rug and straighten the edges. Then I would attach the binding using your favorite method.

Using a dark brown pearl cotton from Valdani Thread I then make the snowman's eyes and mouth using French knots. I use the pattern placement sheet for placement of the French knots. If you look closely you can see that I penciled in on the fabric where I would stitch each little knot.

~ Snowflake Mug Rug ~

Snowflake Mug Rug is cute grouped with 'Hello Birdie' and 'Sing for Me' mug rugs. I hope you have a nice cool spot to sit and stitch. One project done a ka-zillion more ideas to work on. LOL!!! I can't wait to show you the next little project I have in store for you. 

Happy quilting,

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