
Friday, April 9, 2021

Double Magic Binding

Every so often I will repost a tutorial. I always think it's good to revisit items that are basic to quilting for those who may have never seen them before. I've been wanting to do some tutorials on binding quilts so I thought it would be in order to revisit my favorite way to bind a quilt. It's what I call my Double Magic Binding. I discovered the technique a many years ago, it's a fun way to bind a quilt.  I can't take credit for coming up with the idea, there are several tutorials out there describing the same or similar process... but I want to share this wonderful technique with you again. It's a nifty way to bind a quilt and it finishes the edge off so nicely and it's all MACHINE DONE! (SCORE!!!-HAPPY DANCE....) As you may have all heard me whine before, I hate hand binding a quilt. Well maybe hate is too strong a word, but it's not my favorite part of finishing a quilt. No... now that I think of it, I really do dislike hand binding a quilt, it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r...... So here is my little tutorial on how to do this wonderful binding to finish your quilt...

For this binding method you will need two 'colors' a main binding color and an accent color.
Here are the two fabrics I'm using for this quilt. Measure your quilt edge to bind and add another 12" or so ... Then cut enough strips from your main color to piece together a binding strip long enough to go around your quilt. You will then cut your strips 1 1/2" x wof (40-45")

Then cut enough strips for your accent color. These strips will be 1 3/4" x wof.

Sew all the strips together end to end using a mitered seam to reduce bulk. You will then have a super long strip of your main color and a super long strip of your accent color.

Sew your main color strip and your accent color strip together
long sides together using a 1/4" seam.

Iron your seam to go towards the 'main' fabric.

Then iron lengthwise with wrong sides together to make
your binding. See it makes a narrow decorative edge. Looks like piping!
So cool!

Sew the binding onto the back side of you quilt with your 'accent' color facing up using a 1/4" seam. The decorative piping edge is facing down on your quilt. Miter the corners like in my Machine Binding 101 Quilt Tutorial. Sewing your binding on is the same process as 'usual' at this point.

Here's where the magic happens.... Wrap the binding around to the front side of your quilt and stitch in the ditch between the main fabric and accent fabric. I used an 'invisible' thread to sew my binding on. You can also use a thread that matches your fabric. Miter the corners matching up the 'piping' seam. Sew all away around your quilt.

Doesn't it look like piping? I love how this finishes off the quilt edge.
Makes it special... to make a wider accent on the quilt binding you could add 1/4" to the width of the accent strip when cutting your strips out for the binding.

It also looks fabulous from the back!
 I love this method! It takes a little extra prep work but it's totally worth it in the end!
This technique adds a little special touch to your finished quilt. It's really worth the extra time making the binding strips.
Let's bind some quilts!!!

Happy quilting,
Cindy and Belvedere


  1. Im not sure i undersand how to do this my normal 2 and one half stip sewed to a 1 and three foyrth strip???

  2. reread i think ive got it now??I hope so

  3. Thank you so very much for this! Binding has always been my nemesis. Lol
