
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Garden Sunshine Facebook Group!

It has been fun to see the blocks that have been made so far for this years BOM. I have decided to make a Facebook group for us so that we can share our progress. This group is meant to be a positive space where we can support each other while we work on this years 'Garden Sunshine' quilt. I am hoping that we can inspire each other with our progress. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's blocks each month. When I first started sharing a BOM I used to set up a Flicker Group. Over the years this site has been difficult to manage, especially when I loose or forget my password, or it gets hacked into etc. I miss sharing our progress so thought I would give a Facebook group a try. You can find the Facebook Group for 'Garden Sunshine' BOM 2019 HERE

I have also been asked about a supply list... here it is again. Remember this is merely a guide... if you are using 1930's fabrics or fabrics from your stash, you will need two yellows.... hint..... hint.... there's a 'beehive' block in the quilt..... but this is only a guide, remember no quilt police will come and get after you if you use different colors. I've been asked if it can be done all in reds or blues... I don't see why not.... I create these designs to inspire you... your finish quilts also inspire me! I love to see my designs interpreted in different fabrics and colors.
I've also given you the freedom to either applique or embroider the designs.  I'm doing one of each... 

I hope that I was able to answer a few questions. Looking forward to seeing everyone's blocks as they get them done.

Happy quilting!
Cindy and Belvedere


  1. Hi Cindy,I cannot access your email as I am not a member of Google+. I have a question about the BOM, could you please reply to this comment so I can contact you? Thanks.

  2. Linda,
    just sign up for her newsletter and you will be able to get the blocks. Just remember to save them as she releases them. After each month you will(can) purchase the past ones.

  3. I signed up for emails, but do not have emails with the blocks . Where can I find them on the site?

    Tracy Knights

  4. Cannot figure out how to download this current block pattern.
    Don't see a link in your posting.

  5. I am having lots of trouble getting the embroidery pattern placed on my block. I will keep trying. I have tried to do needle turn applique, but not having a lot of luck probably because of all the curves on leaves. Today is another day and will try again. Love the patterns.
    Thank you.
