
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Some Changes at Craftsy

Some of you may have heard that Craftsy will be making some changes. I recieved an email a couple of days ago informing me that the pattern site will be undergoing an overhaul and that my store will not be closed but they will be deleting some of my patterns. I will no longer have a say as to what will stay or go. I also loose the ability to post my patterns to the site on my own. Many designers were told their stores will be closing.... period. Many independent designers will be left with no store and no income. Given only a short time to ponder what to do (10 days) I have decided to go with it and see what they keep and delete from my pattern site. Given such a short heads up during the holidays no less has left me frazzled. I have to admit, I have not been posting as many PDF patterns to my Craftsy site over the last year. I have been working on offering PDF downloads on my website as an alternative. I did like using the Craftsy platform to post my monthly BOM patterns but have decided that for 2019, all of the BOM information and pattern links will be on my website and blog only. I will not be posting the 2019 BOM on Craftsy. This is a bummer for me since I have a huge following on Craftsy and I'm not sure of any other way to reach them. So please help me out and spread the word about the 2019 BOM from Quilt Doodles. I have a tab on the top of the blog with all of the current information. 

Now back to Craftsy…. Craftsy has assured us that the patterns will remain in your pattern library but I would strongly suggest you download any files to your computer as soon as possible as a precaution.  Any patterns that you have on file with them. I also plan on printing off the patterns I have purchased over the years and stashing them in my pattern notebook. Better to be safe then sorry...

I want to thank you for your support. I truly appreciate you! Without you, I would not be doing what I do. I appreciate every comment, every purchase, every suggestion, all your kind words. Do know, I read every comment even though I don't always take the time to respond, something I need to get better at.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happiest of Holiday Seasons!

Merry Christmas!
Cindy and Belvedere


  1. Merry Christmas to you, too!

    Thanks for the heads up on the patterns and how the BOM for 2019 will work. I am looking forward to it already!
    Sandy A

  2. Thanks for the advance notice re 2019 BOM... but sorry to hear about the negative changes to Craftsy.
    Merry Christmas... xox

  3. Sorry to hear that and hope it doesn't affect you too much.

  4. Why didn't Craftsy post a notice on their main page for those of us who are only there to purchase items? Makes me angry that they are taking the livelihood away from so many people with 10 days notice. I guess that's what happens when you are purchased by NBC and it becomes all about profit. I'm glad you are keeping your things on your blog...I won't be going back to Craftsy again except to watch the classes I have already purchased.

  5. Hi Cindy,
    I enjoyed making the snow-ingmachine from the 12 days of Christmas! Looking forward to your 2019 BOM ! here on your blog!
    Really strange, unpersonal, how Craftsy is dealing with their Business. I've been reading other bloggers in the same situation and trying to google more information.
    Interesting to see where Blueprint will be going, what their plans are in the future.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  6. I just checked my patterns and many are blank and no way to print ��. I’m so sorry for your loss of clients & income - it was very unfair for Craftsy to do this with such short notice.

  7. Que pena que Craftsy opte por esta acción....
    Espero y deseo que puedas solucionar este despropósito.
    Un abrazo grande.
