
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Minnesota Winter Wonderland - November

I'm sure many of you that are quilting along with me have your strips all  sewn together on your quilt, isn't it cute! Now it's time to put on the borders, and borders are totally optional. You can do them as I have suggested or do your own. It's up to you! In the listing of supplies I recommend 1 yard for border one and 1 1/2 yards for border two. I've got the borders added to mine... You can do two borders, one border. I've also seen this quilt done with a piano key border too. Have fun it's up to you! This quilt is pretty good sized and will be a wonderful addition to put out for the holidays. You can also add your special touches to your quilt at this time too. I waited until my quilt was quilted before I sewed on the yo-yo's and buttons for the little added touches I added to my quilt. But I did do the extra appliqueing etc on my cabin and cocoa mugs at this point.

The directions for adding the borders and some fun embellishments can be found in your directions.  Now let me talk about embellishments. I am going to quilt my quilt before I do some of the special touches like sew on buttons and yo-yos. On the printed directions you will find a snowman you can add by your cabin, a wreath for the door, snow for the roof and chimney.  There are also special touches for the cocoa mugs. It's time to have fun and make this quilt your own! 
I thought my cabin needed snow and a wreath on the door.

I also had fun embellishing my mugs

On this mug I thought it needed a row of yo-yo snowmen.

These snowmen are so much fun to make! And super easy! I used my yo-yo maker and made three yo-yo's, then added orange button noses. I used black beads for the eyes. But the eyes can easily be made using some black pearl cotton to embroider French knots.

For  the snowman's mouth, I made a smile with pearl cotton using a running stitch. They are sooooo cute!

For the holly, I played around with the idea of using a jingle bell...

but decided on some 'holly berry' buttons

For the wreath on my cabin door I added some red seed beads for holly berries. I also added a button on the bow.

I used seed beads for the snowman's face, but you could stitch French knots with some black pearl cotton.

One of Santa's reindeer is checking up to see if anyone's home at the cabin.
 If you blog about it, please email me a link so that I can attach it to the Pinterest Board I have going for the Minnesota Winter Wonderland.

Let's have a blog hop in January. Let's have a virtual show and tell!

Happy Quilting,
Cindy and Belvedere

1 comment:

  1. This is stinkin' adorable. Love the snowmen and the reindeer ;)
