
Thursday, May 10, 2018

May's Block in Wool! Snow Much Fun

I have been enjoying working with wool for my second version of this year's BOM. I've been having Snow Much Fun! This month's block is an adorable snowman with his dog. Not just any dog, but a hound dog like my sweet puppy Belvedere.

Let me tell you a little about Belvedere. He's a sweetheart, an adorable Basset Hound. I've never had a Basset before so he is very different then any dog I've ever had. He rules his own world and we are at his beckon call. He will only sit if there is a treat involved. But not just any treat, one that he really likes. I have also learned that Basset Hounds do things in their own sweet time. This is driving me crazy.... I mean c-r-a-z-y! Belvedere will bark to announce that he needs to go outside. I get a one bark notice, if I ignore it, he will take things into his own 'paws' and do his business in the dining room and then commence to the living room to nap. Arrrgggg.... one bark..... so I have learned to jump to it and take him outside.... but that's not where the story ends. Once outside... he becomes sidetracked and he will spend f-o-r-e-v-e-r smelling around, eating sticks, eating the hedge, barking at the neighbors cat, barking at where he thinks the neighbors cat is, watching cars drive by ....this continues on for a good 15-20 minutes until he remembers, 'oh yeah... I need to go potty'. Bring him in too soon and he will head right straight for the dining room and then off to the couch for naptime. There is no rushing him. It's good that I work from home... he is my little... not so little puppy... so you see since my world revolves around this sweet puppy, I just had to include a hound on the quilt.

Belvedere and I
(He's 8 months old in this picture)

I thought I had taken more pictures of this month's block and the process using the wool, but I was lax.. Making the block is the same as for with the flannel quilt, I am using Primo Plaids from Marcus Fabrics and wool from my 'wool' stash.
Trace all of the applique shapes onto freezer paper and iron it onto your wool pieces. Then cut all the pieces out. Use a button hole stitch to machine stitch the wool pieces onto the background block. I am using 12wt Lana Wool thread from Aurifil. (color - 8087 brown) I'm using a regular 50wt in my bobbin thread. I'm using a 75/11 needle... 

I really like the combo of the wool with the Primo Plaids.   To finish these cute designs, I embellished my squares with some special buttons from Just Another Button Company. I do have these buttons available in my Etsy Shop. Pattern can be found on the Quilt Doodle Designs Website. May's block is a Free download this month only.  I will not be sewing my buttons onto my quilt top until after I have it all done and quilted. This BOM will be offered the first of every month. Like always, it's FREE for the month that the block is out, then there's a small fee if you have to play catch up to get the block. To make sure that you don't miss any of it,  join my mailing list. Not only will you get all of the BOM 2018 postings and updates, but you will also hear about all sorts of other fun quilty goodness too!

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Happy Quilting!
Cindy and Belvedere


  1. This is such a cute dog in this block. Thank you!
    What a challenge with your adorable Belvedere. I would hope a trainer familiar with Bassett Hounds could help you. These pups sure know how to train US, don't they?! My cats are the ones training me in my house. They are the boss!

  2. I love this block!! Because I love puppies! I have an aussie, hehe, love your Belvedere. Thank you for such an adorable block.

  3. Having had three bassets, I KNOW what you are writing about. You have my sympathy!

  4. Hahahaa He sounds a lot like my Indy (Great Pyrenees)There is no rushing him, telling him to come is just a suggestion especially if he thinks he has some serious barking to do outside! But they are such an important part of our world aren't they!!! I'm loving your Snow Much Fun blocks! I just need to get started on them!
