
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

UFO Update

  I'm happy to announce I got one of my UFO's done! Woot! Woot! Happy dance!!!! I am thrilled that I finally completed my Snowball quilt. It took me a couple of days and most of the first day was trying to figure out where I had left off! My problem was figuring out how to continue the design making it much larger using what fabric I had left. I'm happy to announce my crib sized original quilt was expanded to about a twin sized quilt. A much better size for a grown man! (Granted when I started this my son was just starting high school) lol.... Does this mean I have a jump on a Christmas gift? I picked up a cream flannel backing for this quilt and will be shipping it off to my quilter. I'll let Stacy work her magic. At this point I consider this quilt done, or at least on the way to being finished! I promise I won't get hung up on the binding. As soon as it's quilted, I'll get this bound.

Here the size I left this project at.... several years ago.

As soon as I figured out what I had left for fabric, I jumped right in and started to construct more snowball blocks.

This size is more like it. All it needs is a border!
I'm pretty happy with how it looks with the border.
I have a navy blue striped fabric for the binding.
Do you want to join me with my UFO challenge? Well here's what you need to do... Print up the handy dandy UFO sheet I have made for you. (It can be found on my website under my Quilting Fun Tab on the  Quilt Doodle Website. (Click on the 'My List of UFO's' next to the UFO graphic and then you can print off your UFO sheet to fill in.) Then fill in the spaces with six of your UFO's. Grab a dice and roll it..... then that's the project you get to work on for the next month! It's a great idea! I'll post again in March around the 20th or so.... So since I got a project done,  I get to roll the dice again...... shake, shake, shake-a-dee, shake........ I got a... 5 oh uggg...... the Garden Blog Hop  quilt. I started this project  many years ago one summer.  I was part of a blog hop so all of the blocks are very different from various designers, all with a garden theme. I was one of the contributing designers.  All of the blocks are paper pieced. To add to the blocks I made a couple of garden gnome blocks to go with. I hit a road block when I started to think about how to piece them together to make the quilt top. All of the blocks are sooo different, so many different fabrics and colors. How do I tie all of these blocks together to make a beautiful quilt. I had thought it would be a great quilt to give to my dad but I waited too long to finish it. Dad has since passed away and has been gone for several years now.  Not only do I have physical issues with the design elements, I also have this emotional attachment to it too. I have a tinge of guilt for not getting it done. So it's been a UFO ever since. Uggggg.....

Let me know in the comments if you got a project done. I will celebrate your success with a virtual happy dance! Belvedere will probably do his best 'Ro- ro- rooooooo' for you too!

Have a great day stitching,


  1. Your cute UFO list inspired me to design and make one for myself. So much more fun than just writing them down on a plain old whiteboard! lol Thanks for the idea!

  2. If you don't want a quilt from these you could make sets of placemats for the patio table. I think they would make a good gift.
