
Sunday, November 12, 2017

100 Blocks Block Tour Road Rally!

First let me say Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Belvedere and I are thrilled you're here. We are excited to show you our block, Frosty's Sweater. First let me tell you I am so thrilled to be included in this issue. You should have heard me scream in delight when I received the acceptance letter for my block! So exciting!  Also, a big Thank you to Quiltmaker for hosting such a wonderful Blog Tour. I'm loving the 100 Blocks Block Tour Road Rally. I am so thrilled and honored to be included!
I explained to Belvedere that we're taking part in a road rally and Belvedere got all excited thinking he was going on a car ride. He loves car rides! But he also loves the sound of the doorbell ringing. He is happy to greet you with a big 'rooo rooo rooooo!' and also a few sloppy kisses. So come on in, let me grab you a cup of coffee and show you my adorable block,
  Now, let me show you my sweet block, Frosty's Sweater... I love Christmas and the whole holiday season so I drew up this whimsical snowman. He such a happy fellow, wearing his Christmas sweater. (Frosty's Sweater can be found on page 11.) The applique design pieces and layout can be found on page 66.
Frosty's Sweater
I have a 'Christmas Cheer' fat quarter bundle from Patrick Lose Studios, just screaming to be made into some fun items for Christmas. It's perfect for a Frosty's Sweater table runner. The basic pattern for my Pinwheel table runner can be found on my website. It's a free PDF download...

Let's make a fun table runner with my Frosty's Sweater block! Following the directions in the magazine, make two Frosty Sweater blocks. The Frosty Sweater blocks will be featured on each end of the table runner. (The blue squares on each side of the pinwheel block.)
The images are in reverse in the magazine since we will be tracing each section onto our fusible web. I like to use Heat n Bond Lite.

Then iron your fusible web onto the wrong side of the fabric, grouping together pieces that use the same color fabric.

After you iron on the heat n bond onto your fabric, it's time to cut all the pieces out. I am using the Pattern Elements page in the magazine for the general layout. Remember everything will be in reverse. When you get everything placed just so... (don't forget to peel off the paper) it's time to iron the design in place on your 12 1/2" block.

All ready to stitch around!
When I sew around my applique snowman, I like to use the buttonhole stitch found on my sewing machine. I use a 'small' stitch setting on my machine. ( width- 2.5mm length- 1.2mm) I use white thread to stitch around the snowman's head and body. I then use dark brown thread to go around everything else.

Following my Pinwheel Table Runner pattern, I made the center pinwheel block..

Here I have the table runner top layered with the backing fabric and batting. All ready to quilt. I find machine quilting to be so relaxing. I loose time in my sewing room when I quilt. After your table runner is all quilted, bind using your favorite method. Then embellish the snowman with some snowflake buttons. Using pearl cotton, embroider the snowman's eyes and smile using French knots. 
I am so pleased with how my table runner turned out. It's perfect for on Grandma Eva's trunk in my coat room. Very cheery and festive! Just perfect to greet visitors as they stop by this holiday season.
Want a chance to win a copy of 100 Blocks Volume 16 from Quiltmaker Just leave me a sweet comment for a chance to win. (Make sure to leave me an email so that you can be contacted if you win!) Winner will receive their magazine directly from Quiltmaker.

 I am also having a little giveaway! I will also be giving away a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol 16 to one luck winner too.  If you stop by Quiltmaker's blog you will have a chance to also win my 'Ugly Sweaters' Mug Rug Pattern and all sorts of other goodies!

Remember to just leave a sweet comment for a chance to win. If you want extra chances to win, follow me too, and leave a comment that you do. Make sure to leave me your email address if you are a no reply blogger.  I will announce winners on Monday, November 21st.

For more patterns from Quilt Doodle Designs check out my website;

I also have a limited supply of signed Quiltmaker 100 Blocks Vol.16
 for sale in my Etsy Shop.

Thank you again for stopping by! Hope that you have fun visiting everyone during the Road Rally! Here let me send you off with a couple of ginger cookies to munch on as you drive to your next destination.

Happy Quilting!
Cindy & Belvedere
Giveaway closed.... Congratulations Barbara Woods!!!


  1. He is just too cute for words. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  2. Another of your darling blocks to add to my collection! Lucky me, lucky us!
    wordygirl (at) earthlink (dot) net

  3. I follow you via email (wordygirl at earthlink dot net), so I enjoy your designs all through the year.

  4. Your pinwheels remind me of candy canes. (Hope that's sweet enough for your :-)

  5. Frosty's Sweater is adorable! I love snowmen and have them all over my house during the winter months.

  6. I follow you via email aevrard(at)rcn(dot)com

  7. That is one of the CUTEST snowmen I have seen in a long time! Love the sweater!

    Sandy A
    scotty4me39 (at)

  8. Love the sweater on the snowman--so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love your snowman, and it's adorable added to your pinwheel table runner.

  10. Ugly sweater contest up for sure. That's the fun of Christmas. this is adorable.

  11. He's adorable! What a fun block!

  12. Cindy, he is the cutest Snowman I have seen. I really love him. Great job!Congratulations on getting him in the magazine. (I have been by the Quiltmakers blog)

  13. I'm thinking your sweet snowman would look great in a Hawaiian shirt, as well :o) I have a block in Vol. 16, so no need to consider me for drawings...I just enjoy traveling the Road Rally and enjoying the stops!

  14. I follow you on GFC. Thank you for the giveaway.

  15. Frosty is adorable with his little sweater, thanks for the idea for the table runner I'll be making that this year

  16. Your snowman is so adorable and the table runner is the perfect place to use him. So cute! ! !

  17. What a sweet runner design! The snowman is adorable!

  18. I follow you in my Google Blogger. Thanks for the sweet Quiltmaker block!

  19. I am a happy follower or yours on Bloglovin'! I always find inspiration here!

  20. Living in Iowa, snowmen are a traditional part of life which explains why I love them so much! Your snowman applique is surely one I'd love to make and add to a table runner or wall hanging!

  21. And I just added your blog to my list of those that I follow on Bloglovin'.

  22. He has to be one of the cutest snowmen i have ever seen. What a great table runner he makes paired up with your fun pinwheels!! Love all the info you put on your blog. Thanks for all you do and thanks for a chance to win.

  23. Oh so adorable! I love the tablerunner very much! Who can resist such a cute snowman!

  24. I am a follower via bloglovin'

  25. Your block is adorable---love it on the table runner too!

  26. First off, I love pinwheels. And, second, your snowmen all decked out in their new sweaters are adorable. Your table runner is a real winner. Thanks for sharing with us.

  27. I signed up to follow you via email.

  28. Always love to see your snowmen. They are so cute! Love this runner, too! Thank you for sharing the pattern with us.

  29. Love the red and blue pinwheels and the expression on your snowman

  30. Your block is adorable!!! (Do not enter me on giveaway = I also have a block on this tour).

  31. Your snowman is adorable. I definitely will make something and add to my collection of snowmen. I follow you on your blog.

  32. I do like your table runner and Frosty, and the way you have it laid out on your beautiful piece of old furniture. It has a happy feeling and is very cheerful.

  33. I love decorating with snowmen, so there will be a table runner sewn up here after I get my hands on a copy of the magazine. So cute!

  34. I follow you with bloglovin and by email.

  35. Such a CUTIE - I love decorating with snowmen! Your table runner is a winner as well. I follow via email as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

  36. what a cute snowman. Thanks, Keep up the good work, Kathy in colo repzjratplainsdotnet

  37. love your snowman and his cute sweater and cap.

  38. What a fun tablerunner your Frosty makes! Thank you for sharing it.

  39. I've never participated in an ugly sweater contest - I never see the point in wearing ugly when I can wear pretty. I think your snowmen have the same idea as I do!

  40. That is sure the cutest block ever. Will be busy printing out all those freebies. Thank you for being a part of the Road Rally Tour and this opportunity to try and become a winner. Wishing you Happy Holidays.

    Sandi Timmons

  41. I checked out your Etsy shop - lots of wonderfully, sweet patterns there. I especially like "Camper celebration". Thank you,

  42. I am following on Google+. Thank you,

  43. Your block is adorable! I really like your table runner, too! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.

  44. Love how you used the snowman block in the table runner. I would make it using non-Christmas fabrics so that it could be left out all winter.

    Pat K

  45. I'm not doing the Rafflecopter because I already have a copy, and I don't want to win and then someone who doesn't misses out. This is one of my favorite designs from the quilt, and one I expect to actually use! The table runner is adorable, especially with that beautiful lamp on it.

  46. What a great block for a cute pre Christmas present. Know just who it would go to too! Thanks
    pjrquilter at msn dot com

  47. What an adorable snowman! The table runner is perfect adorned with them.

  48. Your block and tablerunner are both so very cute! Thanks for sharing.

  49. I follow your blog via email. Thanks!

  50. Fun Runner. I drove a Plymouth Belvedere, it was my daddy's car. Thanks for making a Snowman Block that won't melt.

  51. love your runner. bewtjwatgmaildotcom

  52. What an adorable table runner! I definitely need to make one of these (just for ME!)

  53. I love your sweet little sweater clad snowman! Just too cute! Thank you for sharing, Susan

  54. I follow you by email! Thank you, Susan

  55. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMonday, 13 November, 2017

    I'm one of your followers.

  56. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMonday, 13 November, 2017

    Love, love, love your snowman and his pretty sweater.

  57. I love your designs and all the wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing. Sue

  58. What a great block. Looks lovely as a table runner

  59. I love your snowman! He's so cute and fun!

  60. Cute block and pretty tablerunner.

  61. Following with bloglovin'.

  62. I love snowmen because you can use them as decorations for months rather than just December. Very nice.

  63. Super sweet snowman - thanks for sharing your inspiration! I love it! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  64. What a cute snowman block! Thanks for sharing. bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com

  65. Congratulations on your winning block! I follow by email. bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com

  66. Fabulously sweet block!! I love the table runner!

  67. Frosty is another one of your fabulous designs that I love and deserves to be in Quiltmaker's 100 blocks ... dquilterguy48329 (at)

  68. Sweet block! I follow on Inoreader.

  69. That Frosty is Brrrfect! I follow you via email. :-)

  70. Your frosty is very cute with his sweater. love the table runner.

  71. I always like a cute snowman for the holidays and yours is just wonderful!

  72. What a creative block. it amazes me to see what quilter's create with applique. Thanks for sharing your creativity during this blog hop.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  73. He is just to cute! Frosty that is. I follow you and am always happy to get your emails, so happy for you to get into the book. Very exciting, thank you for your inspiration to sew and create.
    Smiles, Sue

  74. Frosty is so adorably happy in his Xmas sweater. I need a circular table runner, I think I can do that. Yes I follow you and love your designs. Thanks so much.

  75. Very sweet Tablerunner!! Thanks!

  76. Cindy, as usual what a cute block! Nice to see that you are in 100 Blocks, right where you deserve to be. I am going to have to make your table runner for our new table in our new house!

  77. Cute snowman! I'd be tempted to made his sweater with Hawaiian fabrics - Frosty in Maui! The table runner is adorable.

  78. Cute snowman! At first I thought he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt!

  79. I follow you on Feedly. I enjoy reading your blog.

  80. I think the snowman needs a Hawaiian shirt and a Mai Tai and be in a Tiki hut(!). Great idea for using small pieces of favorite Christmas fabrics.

  81. Susan BlumensheinMonday, 13 November, 2017

    Happy happy Happy! Such a darling block!

  82. I love your designs. Just finished the hen, pumpkin truck and black cat on towels for gifts. Can't wait to get this pattern.

  83. Such a handsome guy in his nifty sweater.....

  84. I follow via email. Becky D.

  85. Cute little snow man.

  86. What fun Mr Snowman is in his tree Christmas sweater. Thanks for showing us the table runner.

  87. I follow via email. dquilterguy48329 (at) prodigy (dot) net

  88. Great table runner. Your snowman is so cute.

  89. love your snowman! congratulations on being in the magazine!

  90. Such a cute block! Thank you for the runner tutorial and give Belvedere an extra hug!

  91. I get your e-mails and enjoy your BOM's! Thanks!

  92. I adore snowmen! What a perfect adorable block!

  93. Cute snowman. Thanks for the free table runner pattern & the chance to win.

  94. I'm already receiving your emails - thanks again.

  95. Oh what a cutie!
    I really love the blue snowflake print that you used for the background! What collection/manufacturer is it from? I love the peppermint stripe pinwheels with the snowman too.

  96. I'm following your Etsy shop and your blog by email newsletter!

  97. I just love your block and table runner.

  98. Wow, that is just a darling block and table runner. Thanks for designing such a cute pattern!

  99. Cute Block. Thanks for pattern for table runner.

  100. Elaine M.
    Such a cute snowman...showing off his sweater. He sure looks good on the table runner too.

    remills (at) amtelecom (dot) net

  101. Your frosty's sweater is cute as can be!

  102. I just love your cute little snowman. The table runner looks great. Thanks for the cookies for the road. And thank you for a chance to win.

  103. Congratulations on having your block included in Quiltmaker’s 100, Vol. 16! Your block is just darling! Love your fabric choices and the red and white pinwheels in the tablerunner are perfect!

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  104. I’m a follower via email.

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  105. I already follow you and Belvedere.

  106. I adore Frosty's sweater. Congrats on your publish. The block makes an adorable table runner. When I saw the fabric you chose for the sweater, I thought it would even make a cute "off-season" table runner for summer with a beach theme for Frosty's sweater. Frosty is so cute. I was thinking of iced tea. It's late night and I have a sunburn. Yes, in November I have a sunburn. I live in Oklahoma and my friends there tell me is in overcast, gray, and gloomy. I'm in Albuquerque sitting with grandboys and a granddoghter. My daughter and her husband are in Italy. I have the better deal. My eleven year old grandson had a baseball tournament this weekend. I am very fair. For the second game on Sunday, the sun was right in front of me. While we were waiting for the game to get our bleachers, I could feel the sun searing my legs through my leggings. I didn't think about my face. I look like a raccoon. I had on my sunglasses and my face is RED. I covered my legs and abdomen with my hoodie to block as much sun as possible because I could feel those burning through my clothes. So, you know why ice tea is on my mind. Anyhow, I adore Frosty as I do your designs. Again, congrats on the publish.

  107. I already get your newsletter posts. What a cute snowman!

  108. I just subscribed to Your newsletter post. And Your snowman is SOOOOO cute. He is really fabulous!!!

  109. I follow you via email and always look forward to your fun newsletters :) nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  110. He is adorable!!!! I love the peppermint pinwheels that he has befriended (thank you for the free pattern by the way). I think I might choose some Hawaiian floral print for his sweater, and use this pattern also in the summer for Christmas in July. Any excuse to have 24 hour Hallmark movies and Christmas (in July) projects out and about , works for me! Congrats on this block. Am teaching my 10 yr old son to sew, so I've been noting which ones would be great projects for him. He loves this one, and is in love with Wilson's face. I condolences on your loss and Belvedere's buddy. My son is planning on being a vet, and was hoping you'd make a block /pattern using Wilson's face. ( or maybe you already have and I've missing it). Congrats on your block in the big Vol. 16!!! (Nancy Sue and Davis)

  111. I love your website. The Pinwheel Tablerunner is so different. Thanks.

  112. Been a follower of you for years. I adore the snowman table runner. Thanks for a chance to win a copy. Hugs

  113. Hello - Fortunately for me I have followed you for years - sending many many Thanks to
    you for all the fun blocks you have shared - this little snowman is just toooo adorable and
    those Christmas sweaters look like bunches of fun to make... Again thanks for sharing
    you talent and wonderful ideas... have enjoyed making each years quilt along...

  114. I really like the addition of the snowman to your table runner. Thanks for the tip on the setting for blanket stitching. I struggle with getting it right.

  115. Oh I love the snowman. Want to make his shirt in a tropical print for a Florida Christmas. Gotta get the book, but I always get every one of them. Thanks.

  116. Thank you so much for providing the stitch type and length for your applique. I still have a difficult time deciding on the proper stitch.

  117. You always make the cutest blocks. Thanks for sharing.

  118. I also follow by e-mail. Have for years and love all that you fo. Keep up the beautiful work. The 100 block mag. is the only one that I purchase, have a vast amount of others so no need for many more.

  119. Such a fun block and thank you for the table runner tutorial. It DOES look great.

  120. I love the table runner design for your cute little snowman.

  121. That's a fun block, and makes a cute table runner!
    diantha.howard at gmail dot com.

  122. What a sweet snowman! I really liked how you made the runner and will give it a try.

  123. Such a sweet block, and I love the tablerunner. ckrutjo at gmail dot com

  124. You made a very sweet block!

  125. I follow you by blog reader and by email.

  126. Love,love, love Frosty and what a cute way to include on the table runner! maryc76904 at yahoo dot com.

  127. Your snowman pattern is SWEET! (get it? "sweet comment")! And the trunk is the perfect spot for the table runner.

  128. Hi, Cindy! I already follow you by email!

  129. I love your table runner! Loved it before the adorable snowman was added, in fact. I'd never have chosen that color combination, but I absolutely love it! Thank you for sharing.

  130. I follow you through e-mail. Love your block!

  131. What a fun block and love the idea of making it into a runner.


  132. This is the cutest. My favorite of the day.

  133. Love your snowman! I also marked it as my favorite for this day's blogs!

  134. Great use of your block in the runner.

  135. Oh Cindy, Belvedere is so darn cute and I love his sweater, can't wait to get my copy and make up your cute table runner!! Congratulations on your entry into the 100 blocks!!

  136. Very cool I love snow men....

  137. I got you on g mail ...

  138. I love the tablerunner with your block! Thanks for the pattern! The snowmen are so cute!

  139. Cute tablerunner! I love the snowman sweaters! Email is Would be super cool if I won, haha!

  140. love this book! All the wonderful designs to sew...

  141. Really cute block. Thanks for sharing!

  142. This block is sew cute!! And thank you for the table runner pattern!!

    Barb Spurr

  143. Your block is so adorable I love it. Thank you for the pattern for the table runner.

  144. Your snowman is such a cutie! Thanks for the table runner pattern and your appliqué tips.

  145. Your snowman is darling! I'd love to make you block.

  146. e-mail subscriber!

  147. Frosty's Sweater is sooo cute!I love sweaters, cute or "ugly" they're all adorable!

  148. I regret to inform you that Frosty's sweater has not won this year's Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. It is just too cute! quilterkat(at)sonic(dot)net

  149. Love all your creations and Frosty is adorable. rozz01 at cox dot net

  150. I follow you through email. rozz01 at cox dot net

  151. I collect snowmen! I make table runners for gifts a lot! Having a great time doing the blog hop too, such a great day.

  152. Your table runner turned out so cute. It is definitely sweet. It looks perfect in the photo by candlelight.

  153. Your Frost table runner is adorable! Your patterns are always so happy! Thank you for the inspiration! cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  154. I follow you by email! Thanks again! cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  155. Stephanie WoodwardFriday, 17 November, 2017

    I like your snowman. My daughter aged 45 is enamored of them

  156. Your snowman is just delightful! Thanks for sharing this!

  157. I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks again

  158. You've designed such a fun block! Very festive! Thanks also for the construction tips for the tablerunner.

  159. Your block is darling! Thank you for sharing with us!

  160. What a sweet snowman! Thanks so much for sharing all that inspiration.

  161. I am already collecting fabric for a table runner of my own! I love your snowman and his *sweater*. I have been to 5 area quilt shops looking for my own Volume 16....keeping fingers crossed!

  162. I will certainly be making your Sweater Snowman Block and Table Runner when I have the opportunity to own a magazine! Thank you so much for sharing your spectacular talents with us, it sure has made my day so much happier.

  163. I have just signed up to follow you by email! After looking around and seeing all of the fabulous projects you share, I know that I will get a lot of inspiration from you! Thank you for sharing and for your give away!

  164. Follow you through email.

  165. Very cute little snowman. The table runner looks great! kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  166. Follow by email. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  167. OH my gosh! Is that just turning out to be the cutest!!! Thanks for sharing your project! I just love the colors too. I have a snowman quilt to do from the Holidays Wishes by Sherri Falls and my colors are about the same. I will have to make this for future decorating in my home to match my quilt. The grinch is the theme now for the grandkids for another 2 years at least!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  168. I absolutely love the snowman ⛄️ And I really love how it looks on your pinwheel table runner! You are so so talented There doesn’t seem to be anything you can’t do! leaanna dot myer at gmail dot com Thank you very much!

  169. Love frosty and sweet pinwheels.
