
Saturday, October 28, 2017

100 Blocks Volume 16 Blog Tour!

I am so thrilled to be part of the up and coming Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 16.
As a designer, I submitted my block month's ago with hope that it would be picked. I was so thrilled when I received the acceptance email a month or so ago! It's so hard to not be able to announce it to the world right away! Well, I can finally let the cat out of the bag and announce that I have a block in this upcoming issue!!! Sooooo excited!

So mark your calendars for the Quiltmaker's 100 Block Vol 16  Blog Tour! There'll be lots of fun and prizes and I can't wait to present to you my block. It's sooooo cute! I have a special project that I have been working on using my sweet block. It'll be something you will love to make for the holidays! I present my block on November 13th, so make sure to mark your calendars and stop back!

I also have ordered a box full of the 100 Blocks Volume 16 edition. I am having a little presale in my Etsy shop for signed copies. Reserve your copy now!

Now in pre celebration I'm going to have a little giveaway! A bag of 20 Wonder Clips. I just love these handy dandy little clips.  They are so awesome and useful in so many ways.

All you have to do to have a chance to win is leave me a sweet comment. If you are a no-reply blogger please leave your email address. For a second chance to win, follow me and leave a comment that you do. Belvedere and I will pick out a winner on Saturday, November 4th.

Happy quilting!

Giveaway is closed.
Congratulations to the winner, Karen in Breezy Point!


  1. Congratulations! That's a real compliment to have your block in that magazine.

  2. Congratulations and Happy Halloween!

  3. I feel your excitement, Cindy! I'd feel the same way to have my block accepted and published! Now I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Thanks for letting us know about it and the upcoming blog hop to follow along. I've made several blocks from the past magazines and always look forward to the next ones. Yeah for you!!

  4. I am a Bloglovin' follower of yours!

  5. I always enjoy the 100 blocks magazines. Very cool that you are a part of it!

  6. I follow your blog on my blogger dashboard/GFC.

  7. I love those clips, never seem to have enough.

  8. I follow you by email and on bloglovin

  9. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you, Cindy. You are presenting yours the same day as my good friend, Moira. How exciting to have two people I know in the issue and on the blog hop! I wish there were a way to have both of you sign my copy.

  10. congratulations. I love this particular hop. There are so many wonderful blocks and things made with them.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  11. Congratulations! What an honor. Can't wait to see this edition. Love following your blog & your tips have been useful & motivating.

  12. I also follow your blog by e-mail. Thank you so much for the chance to win the Wonder Clips. They ARE so useful for lots of things - like holding together the parts of cards that I've stamped so I don't lose any before I can get them arranged and glued down!

  13. Congratulations on being included in the 100 Blocks Vol.16. I'm sure your block will be fun.

  14. You are one of my favorite designers. Follow you by email and check in daily. Love all of your BOMs and have completed three. Will be happy to see you in the book. Glad they included you.

  15. Congrats! Looking forward to the blog tour! Thank you, Susan.

  16. I always enjoy reading your blog - I follow you by email! Thank you, Susan.

  17. Congratulations! I love these issues and can't wait to see your contribution!

  18. I follow you via email: wordygirl at earthlink dot net.

  19. So happy for you. What a thrill but keeping the secret must have been sooo hard! I love your blog and patterns.

  20. Congratulations!!! Looking forward to seeing the new blocks!

  21. Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks is the only magazine that I now purchase. Have been collecting for way too many years and the others are getting redundant. Love all the new ideas.

  22. Love the Quiltmaker. Congratulations.

  23. I love the 100 Blocks magazines. The blocks are so different and unique. I love to use those "clips" instead of pins. You have a great website and great patterns. Thanks so much for all the "free" BOM's and patterns. Keep up the great work. Have a blessed day.

  24. Congratulations. Look forward to seeing the new blocks

  25. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your block.

  26. Congratulations on your block, what great News!
    Would love to win the clips, I have never tried them!

  27. I follow you by email.

  28. Congrats for being in the magazine!! those clips are really nice and great for alot of different uses

  29. Congratulations. You are now world wide famous once you ae in print or on screen....So welcome to being a famous quilter. By a very non famous lousy sewist

  30. Congratulations - love following your blog...

  31. How great! Congratulations!🎉 I've always wanted some of these clips! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. congratulations! That is an awesome accomplishment

  33. Congrats!! On your block. Would live to win those clips. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Congrats on being in the next 100 Blocks issue--can't believe they are up to 16 already! Love using the wonder clips--thanks for the chance!

  35. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Sugar is sweet
    And so are you!

    That is awesome you have a block in the Magazine. It’s one of the few I buy!

  36. Congratulations on having your block in the new issue of 100 Blocks!! I am looking forward to seeing what you designed!

  37. I am a long-time follower of your blog - thanks for the great giveaway!

  38. Congratulations on getting your block in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 16

  39. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway too. Would love to win. 😁 vickise at gmail dot com

  40. Congratulations! I always look forward to 100 Blocks and can't wait to see your contribution!

  41. I follow your blog by email.

  42. congrats. Can't wait to see your quilt block. I love these little clips. Thanks for the giveaway.

  43. I get your emails. Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. Elaine
    I love the 100 Blocks books and I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to see your block!
    remills (at) amtelecom (dot) net

  45. Congratulations on getting the recognition you deserve 😃 I'm an email subscriber, thank you for the chance in the giveaway 😃

  46. Congratulations. It must be great to have your block in the book and thank you for offering a giveaway

  47. Congrats! I love the 100 blocks magazine.

  48. Congratulations! What a lovely early Xmas present!

  49. I also receive your emails!

  50. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your block and project. I love wonder clips, but don't have enough. I'd love to win this giveaway!!

  51. Congratulations! Hope it's a snowman! Love your snowmen. They are so cute.

  52. I follow you through e-mail.

  53. Congrats Cindy. I look forward to seeing your entry into the magazine. Your designs are always so cute.

  54. How exciting for you, Cindy! I'll bet your block is adorable. I have every issue of this series. It's like getting a present when they come out. Congratulations!

  55. I always look forward to the release of the 100 Block editions. As children say, "I NEED" that magazine. Congratulations for being selected for publication in a great magazine.

  56. I follow you and Belvedere via Bloglovin'.

  57. congrats on your block being in the magazine

  58. I love your block of the month designs! Congratulations on your block in the magazine.

  59. Congratulations on being chosen! I look forward to seeing your contribution!!

  60. Congratulations on having your block in the magazine! I follow you by email.

  61. Congratulations! I always enjoy the 100 Blocks tours so I will be looking forward to seeing your cute block. Thanks!

  62. I follow you by e-mail! Love your designs and appreciate the freebies!

  63. Such creative talent - Congrats! Love all the little tips in your emails! I follow along & thanks for the chance to win.

  64. Congratulations , that's great news. I follow by email and would love to win these clips ☺ Thanks for the chance .

  65. I love your fun designs and what a perfect giveaway! Oh what fun!!!

  66. Congratulations! I'll have to see if I can find your block in my copy of the magazine. =) And thanks for the giveaway! I follow you by email.

  67. Congratulations! I can hardly wait to see the big reveal, what fun! Thanks for the giveaway, follow via email.

  68. Congratulations on your latest publication! thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Congratulations on getting your block published in the magazine. I love your block of the month designs! I follow by email.

  70. Congratulations on being in Quiltmaker’s Vol.16!! Your patterns and designs are always wonderful!

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

    ps.. for some reason Google isn’t letting me in ;-(

  71. I’m a follower via email and several other places such as IG. (@usairdoll)

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  72. Congratulations! I love that magazine and will look forward to coming back and seeing the project you made with your block.

  73. Love your work Cindy! Congrats! You've made quilting fun for me again, so I thank you!

  74. Congratulations! Having your patterns published is so cool! You do such cute patterns and good work. I enjoy you through my e-mail.

  75. That is so great to get a block in the magazine! But really, I'm not surprised at all!!!!

  76. I follow your blog! I'm enjoying the Dresden quilt-along so much!

    PS - same e-mail as the comment above from Joolz

  77. Congrats on being published in Volume 16! It is the one magazine that I race out to buy when it's released. Can't wait to see your block! I follow you via email and bloglovin'.

  78. How exciting to have your block in Quiltmaker magazine. Congratulations! I follow you via email newsletter.

  79. How exciting! Congratulations...please feel free to give yourself a pat on the back! So many of us doodle around, making quilts, designing blocks but never submit them. I admire your pluck. Thanks for a chance to win these clips.

  80. Oh, how wonderful! I can't wait to see your block and make it! I love all your lovely creations!

  81. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your block!

  82. I follow you via email. Congrats on having a block published!

  83. Så spændende - glæder mig til at se og sy....
    Tillykke fra Danmark fra Inge Lise (mail:

  84. Congratulations on your first inclusion in the magazine!

  85. The content of your blog is exactly what I needed, I like your blog, I sincerely hope that your blog a rapid increase in traffic density, which help promote your blog and we hope that your blog is being updated.

  86. Love your block, newsletter and blog. Thank you .
