
Friday, February 24, 2017

A Touch of Spring...'s hard to believe that just last week I was running errands in a light weight sweatshirt and actually had to ditch the scarf and hand warmers because I was too warm. Winter is back in Minnesota... just about 30 miles south of my home they are being bombarded with snow. 12 plus inches of the white stuff. Friends are posting snowy pictures all over facebook. Yesterday I was getting prepared for the storm of the year. My phone kept lighting up with alerts, storm warning... I was secretly thrilled with the idea of a snow day, hunkering down with my quilting by the fireplace. One last hurrah before spring. You would laugh, not a flake of snow at all here, just windy and cold. I stopped watching TV, the weathermen were coming up with all sorts of excuses why their state of the art weather tracking systems didn't work. It's hard to admit, but I feel like I was gipped. I was looking forward to that one big snowfall before spring would actually arrive.  I was so spoiled last week with the warmer weather that I have a horrible case of spring fever. I had the mindset, 'just one more big snow storm...' I'm dying to see bright colors and flowers. So I have been working on some springtime designs and have one done. I'm loving it! It's been awhile since I've added any new animals to my woodland themed patterns. Well, now there's a bunny. A sweet little bunny hiding among the flowers. It's a great project to use up some of those brightly colored scraps that you  have left over from other projects. If you are dying for a touch of spring, this is a fun project.

For those of you stuck in the snowstorm, I'm secretly envious. As I look out my window, I see only gray suckiness... no sun, it's cold, no pretty white, frosted trees.
I am returning to my studio to play with some more pretty fabric, as least I can dream about spring.

Happy quilting,


  1. Very fun piece and perfect for spring and Easter.
    We got a snowstorm a few weeks ago, now it is warm and sunny, which is fine with me, lol.


  2. What a sweet bunny! I'm north of Brainerd and it was a beautiful sunny day except for the bitterly cold wind. It does look pretty grim though--we need some fresh snow or green grass!

  3. Cindy~I'm with you. Fresh fallen snow would be so pretty to right about now. Our poor flowers and trees that are beginning to bud won't know what to do :(
    Such a cute, happy piece for Easter!

  4. I just read last week that some of you in Minnesota were worried about the early spring weather you've been having. I guess the worries are over huh? Love your little spring bunny!
