
Saturday, January 21, 2017

My First Week

'Wilson & Maddie'
~My Office Staff~
I did something considered to be brave or insanely foolish a couple of weeks ago. I quit my day job and gave my two weeks notice. It had been something that I had been thinking of doing for quite some time and it took having some down time over the holidays to finally make the decision. You see over the last couple of years I have been juggling two full time jobs. And juggling badly... I was crabby, tired and drinking way too much Mountain Dew and Diet Coke to keep me going. So with a lot of soul searching, I quit my job and started working full time doing what I love from home, quilting. My announcement at work was quite a shock to my supervisor. I have to say I felt quite guilty for being so damn happy about leaving. I practically was skipping up and down the halls my last two weeks grinning from ear to ear. I am very blessed to have the support from my family and friends.

My first week working from home was somewhat uneventful. I still continue to get up and five in the morning and answer emails. I drink a couple of cups of coffee and make a list of my Quilt Doodle tasks for the day. Wilson and Maddie love that I'm home working. They both lie by my feet as I doodle away or work on the computer at my make shift desk in my extra bedroom. They have become my office assistants. They seem to know when I need to get up and move around, remind me when it's lunchtime and announce the arrival of the mail and UPS man. I have to say, I haven't regretted my decision once in the last week. Being a much happier person has brought a smile to my hubby's face. (and mine too!) I no longer feel stressed and have been able to make plans to attend Quilt Market in St. Louis and prepare for a few quilt guild visits. Having this new found freedom has given me more design time. Lucy and Ethel are happy to see me in my studio again ready to sew and create new designs. I'm hoping that you, my followers, will notice a new happier me too. You should see more designs come out over the next few weeks, and continue to see new items throughout the year. I am hoping to be able to manage my time better and get orders out quicker. I'm also hoping that with the freedom to work from home, I will be able to blog and share more with all of you. I am also happy to announce my six plus cans of pop a day have whittled down to one.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to quilt. I'm heading on down to the studio to have some well deserved sewing time.
Happy quilting!


  1. Congratulations! Sounds like you had too much stress and your body and mind will definitely reap the benefits of this change. You sound a little like me when I retired - I couldn't stop smiling the last 6 months of work. Enjoy! ~Jeanne

  2. Congratulations on making such a big, happy decision!!! Enjoy your creative side all day long now :)

  3. Congrats!! Sounds like you made the right decision for yourself and the family. Enjoy

  4. Best wishes to you on this new job.

  5. Congrats Cindy! I am so excited for you!
    I love your office staff!
    Christine - nannystitch

  6. Congratulations on your retirement! I see happy stitching and designing days ahead!!

  7. Congrats on your big move. You sound so happy and joyful. 😁

  8. Good for you! Having less stress is the best thing for your creativity.

  9. Congratulations on your 'retirement' as it sounds like a breath of fresh air for you.

  10. Congratulations. I am very, very happy for you. I think we all envision a happy time when we quit our job. Unfortunately, I had to quit my job, which I love, due to health reasons. I still wish I could work. I'm an introvert and going to work gave me interaction with people which I need. I was so sick that I did not get out and among people and still do not. However, it has worked out fine. My son and I were estranged. A little over a year ago, he moved home for what we thought was to help him. It has turned out to be a win/win situation. Then last February his 2 1/2 year old daughter came to live with us. Then this past October, he got full, permanent custody of her. Now, I'm a huge part of her life. I never envisioned that God would use those two to put love and laughter back in this house. I want to quilt again and I just don't seem to find the time and energy. It's fun to see other people's creations on the Internet for now. If I'm supposed to quilt again, it will happen, at the right time. Blessings to you at this stage of your life.

    1. So happy things have worked out for you. Take a day at a time and you'll get where you need to be, when it's time.

  11. Congratulations Cindy! It sounds like a wonderful decision!

  12. That's wonderful! I'm sure you will be very successful at it! Best wishes in all you do! I'm sure we WILL enjoy having you home!!

  13. Congratulations and good luck in your new adventure. I bet you are walking on cloud nine! What an adrenaline rush it must be to be doing what you love full time at last. I'm so excited and happy for you. I'm looking forward to watching your new adventure unfold and seeing you around blogland a little more often.

  14. Congratulations. I actually work from home for our business so am able to combine both and am very lucky that I can do that. You will have the best time at home and good luck with all your new plans. Hugs, Susie x

  15. Congratulations! What a wonderful opportunity! Glad to know your "doodling" has been so successful. I'm a recent follower of your blog who cannot work any more. My time management skills stink. I especially love your support staff. I'll bet the coffee is better at this office too. Your hard work, sort of... cuz work isn't supposed to be fun-right?, has paid off.

  16. Alrighty! Glad you are getting to what you enjoy.

  17. I am contemplating a change also. I wish I had the talents of so many I see on the internet. I follow a pattern fine. I'm not sure about creating my own. I do have something in mind. Maybe you have given me the OK to do it. Good luck and I believe it's time to enjoy life.

  18. Congratulations, I wish you the best.
    Been happy is the best thing in this world.
    I'm happy for you.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Congratulations on changing your life for the better. I love the two assistants. I'm looking forward to your new patterns.

  21. That's great. All the best to you. It will work out just fine. Can't wait to see all your new patterns and posts.

  22. Congratulations on making that decision! I hope everything is very successful for you. I understand we work harder for ourselves than anyone else, though!

  23. Wow! What relief you must be feeling getting off of that 2 year treadmill! Good for you! Maddie and Wilson look pretty excited about having you home each day. They probably did not realize how much they have missed you until now. Happy for you.

  24. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netSunday, 22 January, 2017

    Congratulations on this life changing decision. I can remember when I retired 2 years early. I taught high school special education, and the last 2 years that I taught full time, I was sick the entire year while being well the summer in between. So we knew it was time to retire. Fortunately, we were able to live off my husband's income those two years, so I didn't draw any pension until I was eligible and was not penalized. That was such a good decision. It is hard to believe that was 17 years ago. Time flies when you are healthy and happy. May you have success and happiness in this new phase of your life.

  25. Yippee good for you and your family

  26. Wow, what a big step. So very, very happy for you. Look forward to many new things. LOL

  27. Hurrah for you! Enjoy the blessings that will come with your decision. Happy days are productive days! Have fun!!!

  28. Congratulations!!!!😊😊😊

  29. I am glad you made a decision that makes you happy, that is what really matters in life.
    I look forward to seeing what new things you create.


  30. I am really proud of you. That quitting to follow a dream is harder than anyone knows, unless you've done it. In the weeks ahead I hope your joy and creativity are overwhelming and you wonder why you didn't do it earlier.

  31. congratulations. Proud of you for making a decision that not only impacts you but all those around you. good job with the soda. A year ago, I made the same decision. Mine was for health reasons that I left. but I could not tell anyone the last two weeks because, well I was a server at a retirement home and in six years made a lot of retired friends. I did tell them the last two days I was there though. They made it almost impossible to leave. But it has been the best decision.

  32. Congratulations!!
    I admire you for taking a huge step foward to undertake xomething you enjoy doing.
    Plus you have the lovely company of your two fur-babies with you all day.

  33. So Happy for YOU! Congratulations!! Many Happy days ahead.
    Carol O

  34. Way to go Cindy! Hope you have a wonderful time creating all kinds of happy things!

  35. That's fantastic. Enjoy. Enjoy. ENjoy.

  36. I hope you continue to enjoy the change you made.
