
Friday, October 21, 2016

A Fun Visit

I made a special visit to the Prior Lake Quilters on Tuesday. What a wonderful, talented group of ladies. They were welcoming and fun... I'm always nervous when I do these appearances and afterwards I always think of what I should have said, or forgotten to say... one of these days I will give a perfect presentation. The ladies enjoyed my samples and the freebie design that I handed out. Murphy had fun and did a little of photo bombing while the ladies gathered for the evening.
I always look forward to the 'show and tell' part of the evening. I am always inspired by seeing what others make. Lately I have been envious of anyone who gets sewing time in. (I'm longing to get in the studio and get some quilting done... maybe today) 
I have been looking for a quilt guild to join in hopes that it will bring me some inspiration. Also it would be fun to hang out with some like minded quilting friends. This group seems like it would be a great group to join. I've penciled in the next meeting, I'm hoping to sneak in and sit in the back next month. I'm hoping that it's not too odd to join a group that I just did a presentation to.
Now I want to switch gear and announce a winner for my pre-100 blocks giveaway! I need to thank everyone who left a sweet comment. Please do know that I read them all and love to hear from you. I wish I had more time so that I could respond and write a note back to all of you in thanks! I appreciate the time that you take to leave me a comment. Again, thank you!
 Now onto the giveaway! Wilson and I assigned a number to each sweet comment and then drew a number using

Drum roll.......................................................
and the winner is................

I sent Cecelia a congratulations email.

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and find some time to quilt.

Happy quilting,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindy,
    What a great visit and I know they thoroughly enjoyed everything about you. :)
    Congratulations Cecelia!! Way to go!
    May our lives overflow with joy!!
    Christina in FL
