
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May's Blocks.... More Mittens!

Oh my goodness it’s May and the weather is starting to get so nice outside. It’s hard to think about mittens since they are now tucked away in the back of the closet. But this month’s block is another mitten block but these mittens have cute stars on them. But not a pair of mittens in the group, they are all mismatched. So have fun with the colors while making your mittens. I pulled a few fat quarters from my stash to get the colors that I wanted. The star mittens are my favorite block in this quilt.

It has been pretty busy here getting ready for International Quilt Market, but in the back of my mind has been the mitten block. I'm late posting because I have been pondering on what to say about this block... The mitten block is probably the most complicated block because of the odd ball sixteenth measurements. Why, why you ask.... well it's because I based this block on a 'six by six' grid and not an 'eight by eight' grid... hence the insane sixteenth cutting measurements. Now, let me talk with you about a sixteenth.... I know it's a huge pain to cut.... not all rulers show sixteenth hash marks.... my ruler did not have it. So I had to 'wing' it when cutting and line things up between the eighth hash tags on my ruler. For me... a sixteenth makes a difference if I cut it out badly... a thread width while sewing is a sixteenth, that's why I say sew a scant quarter inch seams. It's to account for the width of the sewing seam. If your off in cutting or sewing and add up the sixteenth's across a block, it adds up quickly if you're off..... crazy! Please don't panic! Ultimately, blocks can be squared up in the end to all measure the same... the mitten block is a challenge for cutting. But it's worth the work, you will love this block in the finished quilt. It's pretty cute... a row of  mismatched mittens.

Here are all of my pieces for this block... all laid out
as to where they go on the block.

....sewing corner to corner....

'Star Mitten'
To thank all of my sweet followers, I have a sweet chickadee pattern available on my website that is an instant download.
What is fun about this is you can embroider it, applique and embroider it... or even do parts of it in wool applique. I haven't yet decided what to do with this darling drawing yet. So I thought I would let all of you have fun with it! If you make up something sweet using the pattern, I would LOVE to see pictures! Send pictures to my email. I look forward to hearing from you!

The pattern can be found for FREE this month in my Craftsy Shop and also on my website. Also, if you ever need to find past blocks or tutorials, I have a tab at the top of my blog labeled 2016 BOM that you can click on to get links to all past blog postings for this quilt. A complete listing of fabric supplies can be found on my website, Craftsy Shop and also under the 2016 BOM tab on my blog. Remember to post pictures of your progress on Instagram #quiltdoodledesignsBOM2016 (you can also tag me at Quilt Doodle Designs) There is also a flickr group you can join and post pictures.

Button packs are available in my Etsy Shop. I have packaged the button packs a couple of different ways. Either as one big pack with everything in it or individually for each design/row.

There's also a handy dandy grab-able button to post on your blog to help me promote and get the word out about this fun Christmas BOM .  Please help to spread the word!
 Happy Quilting!
grab button for Quilt Doodle Designs
<div class="quilt-doodle-designs-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Quilt Doodle Designs" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>


  1. Really Cute Mittens! I wondered how you were getting that star done.

  2. Thank you for the excellent block of the month again this year. As always your designs are really great. Thank you also for the sweet extra chickadee design.. You are so generous with your time and talents and I for one really appreciate it. Janet ...(a fan from Ontario Canada )

  3. Thank you for the great BOM this year..and for the sweet free extra ( chickadees). You are very generous with your time and talent and I really appreciate it. Janet..(a fan from Ontario, Canada)

  4. this is just too stinkin' cute! thank you for sharing ;)
